This is where the nation's wealthiest citizens live and the name for the ruling government of Panem
What is the Capitol?
"The weapons give me an entirely new perspective on the Games." P.197
What is the author portrays the theme of survival.
Glimmer died as a result of this mutation (mutt)
What is a tracker jacker?
This tribute formed an alliance with Katniss in the 74th Hunger Games
Who is Rue?
This is the name of the new North America
What is Panem?
I don't think it's going to work out. Winning... won't help in my case," says Peeta. "Why ever not?" Says Caesar, mystified. "Because.... because.... she came here with me." (page 130 chapter 9)
What is the author portrays the theme of teenage love
This tribute was only 12 when her name was called and her name was only entered once luckily someone volunteered
Who is Prim?
These are the names of the District 1 tributes
Who are Marvel and Glimmer?
These three districts are known as the Career Districts.
What are Districts 1, 2 and 4?
If the districts disobey to the Capital, then he or she can expect a brutal punishment or maybe even death. Participation in the yearly hunger games.
What is the author portrays the theme of Corruption of the Government
This is the number of times Gale Hawthorne entered his name in the reaping ball
What is 42?
He is the host of the 74th and 75th Hunger Games and he was responsible for interviewing the tributes
Who is Caesar Flickerman?
This is the event when 2 tributes between ages 12 to 18 are chosen to participate in the Hunger Games
What is The Reaping?
"At homes and community halls around the country television set is turned on. Every citizen of Panem is tuned in. There will be no blackouts tonight"-pg 124
What is the author portrays the Influence of the Media
Katniss is this many years old
What is 16?
Who says this quote "I decide to keep them (flames on nails) as a reminder of who I am to the audience." pg139
What is Katniss Everdeen
This event was the start of the Hunger Games
What is the First Rebellion (The Dark Days)?
"I like to see it on you. That's how I decided I could trust you" pg212
What is the author portrays the theme of Friendship and Loyalty.
This is the name of the District 12 escort from the Capitol
What is Effie Trinket?
Katniss wanted this tribute to win if she or Peeta did not win the 74th Hunger Games
Who is Thresh?