Ch. 1-5
Ch. 6-10
Ch. 16-21
Ch. 22-27
What does Katniss do for her family to survive?
She hunts illegally.
Why are the Careers the most possible winners?
Because they have spent their lives training to volunteer for the Games, unlike other districts.
What does Katniss discover about the Careers?
They are using Peeta to find her.
In what state does Katniss find Rue?
Rue is trapped in a net and the boy from District 1 drives a spear through Rue's body.
What appears from the woods after the three remaining tributes?
Muttations created by the Capitol.
What is Katniss' friend's name?
What does Katniss do in her private session to recieve an eleven?
She loses her temper because some of the Gamemakers don't pay attention to her, so Katniss fires an arrow through the apple in the roast pig's mouth.
Why do the Gamemakers send fire towards Katniss?
The fire is designed to drive Katniss towards other tributes.
What change occurs in the Games?
There is a rule change where both tributes from the same district can survive.
What did Peeta's father say about Katniss' father?
That Katniss' mother fell for her father because when he sang, even the birds stopped to listen.
How are Katniss and Peeta presented in the stadium?
They wear black unitards with capes and headpieces that are on fire and hold hands unlike the other tributes.
How does Katniss react to Peeta's confession during his interview?
She shoves him and Peeta ends up crashing into an urn and she argues with Haymitch.
Why is Katniss confident that the Careers can't catch her?
Because she scaled a tall tree and because the others are very large, the branches can break easily.
For what reason, did Rue decide to trust Katniss?
Because of her mockingjay pin.
Why is Foxface considered Peeta's kill?
Because she ate the berries that Peeta gathered without knowing that they were deadly.
Why does the Capitol have the annual Hunger Games?
It is a reminder that the Dark Days, or rebellion, should never be repeated or as a reminder that the citizens are at the Capitol's mercy because they could do worse.
When Peeta tells Haymitch about Katniss' hunting skills, what does Katniss say after?
She mentions how Peeta could lift hundred-pound bags of flour and he was a strong wrestler.
After enlisting Rue as an ally, what does Katniss plan to do?
She decides to come up with a plan to rid the Careers of their food.
How does Katniss set off the mines to blow up the food?
She uses her arrows to rip open a bag of apples, that cause a chain reaction in the mines.
What is the frightening discovery Katniss makes of the muttations?
That the muttations each have the eyes of the dead tributes and the fur matches their hair.
Why are mockingjays tied to the Capitol?
Because the jabberjays that the Capitol created in order to spy on the rebels, were released in the wild to die, but ended up creating a whole new species: mockingjays.
Why does Katniss recognize the red-headed Avox?
The girl was running with a boy until a hovercraft appeared and took them away, the boy dead and the girl looking at Katniss and Gale, calling for help.
Why does Katniss not run away from the Cornucopia?
Because Peeta distracted her and she didn't want to leave empty-handed.
How did Peeta survive after receiving the fatal strike from Cato?
Peeta camouflaged himself into the bank with mud and plants.
Why is Katniss incredibly nervous of the interview after winning the Games?
Because she needs to convince everyone that she pulled out the nightlock berries for love of Peeta, since the Capitol is furious and this seems more like an act of defiance to them.