Chapters 1 and 2
Chapters 3-5
Chapters 6 and 7
Chapter 8 and 9
Katniss' stylist; He does not appear physically altered like the other Capitol residents; Katniss states he is the only person she has felt a connection with since arriving in the Capitol.

Who is Cinna?


Gale is rude to Madge in the first chapter of the novel because she never had to...

What is apply for tesserae?

These five people say goodbye to Katniss before she leaves for the games.

Who are Prim, Mrs. Everdeen, Peeta's father (the baker,) Madge Undersee, and Gale Hawthorne?


Katniss states that Peeta has a natural skill of THIS;  Peeta states Katniss is a natural at THIS.

What is strength and archery/aim?


Katniss references the time she first met Gale.  She states he taught her...

What are snares/traps?


The District 12 Escort from the Capitol; seems very focused on proper behavior from the District 12 tributes

Who is Effie Trinket?


Mrs. Everdeen's job in District 12 is

What is healer/apothecary?


When Peeta gave Katniss the two loaves of burned bread, he became symbolic of...

What is hope?


The name of a Capitol servant who has their tongue cut is...

What is an Avox?


Peeta states, during his interview with Caesar Flickerman, that he has a crush on...

Who is Katniss?


The host of the interview portion of the Hunger Games events.  He asks questions about Prim, and helps Peeta to reveal his true feelings for Katniss.  He wears a light up suit and has baby blue hair. 

Who is Caesar Flickerman?


The name of the treaty that states, As a reminder to the districts that they lost when they rebelled in the Dark Days, they must send one male and female tribute to fight to the death in the Hunger Games annually.  

What is The Treaty of Treason?


Katniss and Peeta are dressed in a costume for the opening ceremonies.  They resemble THIS, to represent the industry of District 12 

What is coal fire?


Katniss' temper gets the better of her during her training session with the Gamemakers.  When they don't seem to pay attention to her skills, she...

What is fires an arrow at the pig roast/apple?


The interview, as well as the opening ceremonies, is important to the tributes because it will help the get...

What are sponsors/sponsorships?


This character is thought to be Katniss' cousin because they have similar physical appearances; is good with snares; supports his family of five after his father was killed in a mine explosion.

Who is Gale Hawthorne?


The dandelion that Katniss sees reminds her of her father, inspiring her to take up THIS activity...

What is hunting?


Katniss does THIS with the decorative cookies that Peeta's father gives to her.

What is throw them out the train window?


Peeta and Katniss visit several areas of the training center.  Name THREE.

What are (any 3) knot tying, plant identification, spear throwing, knife throwing, fire building, camouflage, and making shelter? 


Cinna helps Katniss to prepare for her interview by telling her to...

What is be honest, as if talking to a friend?


This character gives Katniss her gold mockingjay pin, and she does this with urgency; is the mayor's daughter.

Who is Madge Undersee?


The number of times that Katniss, Gale, and Prim are entered into the reaping.

What is 20, 42, and 1?


Peeta does this when approaching the Capitol, which Katniss realizes is part of his strategy.

What is wave to the crowd?


The Career tributes are from these three districts.  Katniss refers to them as careers because they spend a great deal of their childhood being trained in combat and survival skills even thought it is illegal to do so.

What are Districts 1, 2, and 4?


After the skill assessment scores are given, Peeta chooses to...

What is train separately from Katniss?