The Games
Preparing for the Games
The struggle of Katniss and Peeta
The System
What are the Hunger Games? How did they come about?
The Hunger Games is an annual event in which one boy and one girl from each district is required to fight to the death in a specially created outdoor arena. The Hunger Games was designed seventy-four years before the beginning of this novel by the Treaty of Treason, a treaty that came about after a rebellion in the original thirteen districts that ended with the defeat of twelve districts and the destruction of the thirteenth. The Hunger Games are a reminder to the surviving twelve districts of what can result in an rebellion.
What happens to Katniss' father?
Katniss father was killed in an explosion in the coal mines.
What confession does Peeta make at the end of the interviews that causes shock and surprise in everyone?
Peeta is giving his interview when the interviewer asks if he has a girl at home. Peeta confesses to the interviewer that there is a girl he has been in love with since young childhood, but the girl did not know he was alive until the reaping. Peeta then announces that this girl is Katniss Everdeen.
What does Katniss find in the backpack when she returns to the cave where Peeta still sleeps? What does she do with it?
Katniss returns to the cave where Peeta still sleeps and opens the backpack, finding a syringe of unknown medication inside. Katniss does not hesitate before injecting Peeta with the medication. Katniss then falls unconscious.
What are muttations? Whose voices and eyes do these mutts have?
Muttations are animals created in government labs. The mutts that chase Cato and go after Peeta and Katniss are oversized wolves that can walk like humans. When Katniss finds a measure of safety on the Cornucopia, she realizes that the mutts have the same voices as the other tributes that have already died.
What shocking thing happens in the end of that causes Katniss to possibly give away her location by calling out Peeta's name?
Katniss is lying in a tree when the nightly broadcast of the dead begins. This time the voice of the Hunger Games announcer comes into the arena. Katniss and the other tributes learn that a rule change has been made to the games. Now if the last two tributes standing are from the same district, both will be declared winner. This causes Katniss to call out Peeta's name because she knows now she must find him and keep him alive.
What surprise visitors does Katniss get in the hour before she is due to leave for the Hunger Games? What reason do these people give for visiting her?
Katniss is visited by Peeta Mellark's father before she leaves for the Hunger Games. The baker tells Katniss that he will keep an eye on Prim for her and make sure she is fed. The next visitor Katniss recieves is Madge, the mayor's daughter and distant acquaintance of Katniss. Madge gives Katniss a mockingjay pin that once belonged to her grandmother that she wants Katniss to wear as her home token in the Hunger Games. Katniss agrees.
How is Katniss and the other tributes prepared and entered into the arena at the start of the games?
Katniss and the other tributes are taken to the arena in hovercrafts with their stylists. The tributes are then dressed and given their district token if it was accepted by the Gamemakers. Finally, the tributes are placed in a tube-like contraption that takes them up on a plate to the arena where they are to stand until the games begin.
What does Peeta reveal about himself when he and Katniss go to the camouflage table during training? What memory does this bring to the forefront of Katniss' mind?
Peeta reveals to Katniss that he decorates the cakes for his family bakery back in District Twelve. Peeta, it turns out, is an accomplished artist. This causes Katniss to think about the beautiful cakes in the bakery window that Prim always got such pleasure from looking at.
How does Katniss force the Gamemakers to honor their change in the rules of the Hunger Games?
When Cato is gone, Katniss expects the hovercraft to come and take she and Peeta out of the arena as it has done for past winners. However, the announcers tells them that the Gamemakers have decided to return to the original rule of only one survivor. Peeta wants Katniss to kill him, but instead Katniss gives him a handful of the poisonous berries, the nightlock, and takes a handful herself. Katniss announces that if the Gamemakers do not honor their rule change, she and Peeta will eat the berries and leave them without a single winner.
How do the Careers react to the loss of their food? What does Katniss do in the aftermath of the explosion?
The Careers rush back to the Cornucopia to discover their food blown up. Cato becomes irrationally angry and he kills the boy from District Three before he begins to calm down. Katniss watches all this from the cover of some bushes where she ends up spending the night to keep safe after suffering an injury to her ear.
Who does Katniss discover following her after she wakes from the tracker jacker venom? How does this person help Katniss heal her tracker jacker stings?
Katniss wakes after several days of unconsciousness from the tracker jacker venom to discover Rue following her closely as she hunts. When Katniss confronts Rue, she tells Katniss that she has some leaves that will draw the last of the tracker jacker venom from her stings. Not only do the leaves draw out the venom, they draw out the pain as well.
What parts of the interview process does Effie teach Katniss? What parts of the interview process does Haymitch teach Katniss?
Effie's role in the interviews is to teach Katniss how to walk and talk with a degree of feminine decorum. Effie teaches Katniss how to walk in heels and to keep her head up. Haymitch coaches Katniss on the content of her interview, trying to encourage her to be more open and likable. However, even after several hours of work Katniss is no closer to the openness that Haymitch is looking for. In the end, Katniss takes Cinna's advice and just speaks directly to him.
What does Katniss learn about Peeta on the first night of the games? What does she believe this means about his strategy?
Katniss learns that Peeta has joined forces with the Careers, tributes from Districts One, Two, and Four. Katniss believes this means that Peeta plans to fight hard to win, a strategy that includes helping the Careers hunt her down and kill her.
What does Rue point out to Katniss at the beginning of Part? What does she do with this item?
Rue points out a tracker jacker nest in the tree above Katniss. Katniss calls attention to herself so that the Careers are sure to stay the night. Katniss then climbs the tree and begins to cut through the limb holding the tracker jacker nest, knocking it down on the sleeping Careers at first light.
What causes Katniss' first real injury in the Hunger Games arena?
Katniss wakes one morning, shortly after finding water, to the smell of smoke. Fire has broken out in the arena and fireballs begin flying all around Katniss. Katniss' jacket catches fire and later she is hit in the leg with a fireball that causes her first serious injury in the arena.
Katniss tells Peeta the story of how she bought Prim's goat for her, but lies about how she got the money. How did she really get the money? Why did she lie?
Katniss got the money to buy Prim a birthday present, a goat, by killing and selling a 150 pound deer to the District Twelve butcher. Katniss lies about this because it is illegal to hunt outside District Twelve's gate and she does not want to cause trouble for the butcher or for Gale.
Why does Katniss become angry with Peeta after his announcement? How does she react to Peeta alone?
Katniss becomes angry with Peeta after he announces his love for her because she feels it makes her look weak, an easy target for the other tributes. When she is alone on the District Twelve floor of the training center with Peeta, she pushes him into a planter and causes him to cut his hands. However, Haymitch convinces her that Peeta actually made them more sympathetic to the crowd and the sponsors.
Why does Katniss return to the site of the Careers' camp after the tracker jacker attack? Who helps her escape from Cato?
Katniss returns to the site of the Careers' camp after the tracker jacker attack in order to retrieve the bow and arrow from Glimmer, one of the Careers who has been killed in the tracker jacker attack. Cato and Peeta return within seconds of one another. Peeta warns Katniss away, saving her from Cato.
How many tributes are killed on the first day of the games? How many remain?
Eleven tributes are killed at or near the Cornucopia on the first day of the games. This leaves thirteen tributes, including Katniss and Peeta, as the Hunger Games begins in earnest.
Who rigged the explosives around the Career's food that Katniss detonates? Why?
The explosives rigged around the food at the Cornucopia were placed there by the boy from District Three. District Three is an industrial district where they make televisions, automobiles, and explosives. The boy from District Three used the explosives placed on the plates where the tributes enter the arena to discourage tributes from leaving their plates early. He has done this to keep people away from the food, but Foxface, the tribute from District Five, has already learned where they are and how to move around them, which is how Katniss learns about them.
What did a dandelion represent to Katniss when she was eleven and starving to death? How did Katniss feed her family until she was able to file for tesserae several months later?
Katniss saw a dandelion in the schoolyard and suddenly remembered some of the things her father taught her about edible plants. Katniss went into the woods and collected dandelions and other edible weeds to feed her family. Over the next few months Katniss began killing small animals and collecting edible plants until she could file for tesserae and receive the oil and grain granted as part of the tesserae agreement.
During dinner, Katniss sees one of the servants who has been assigned to their floor and believes she knows her. However, the girl cannot speak. What is an Avox? How does Katniss know this Avox?
An Avox is a person who has committed a crime, most commonly treason, and been tortured before having their tongue removed and being forced into servitude in the Capitol. Katniss meets a red-headed Avox during dinner their first night at the training center and immediately recognizes her, but does not place her until later. Katniss saw this young woman in the woods outside of District Twelve with a young man. The young man was killed and the girl kidnapped when a hovercraft snatched them from out of the sky.
Who is the first to tell Katniss that Peeta has lost his leg? How does she react?
Caesar Flickman tells Katniss during the ceremony to celebrate Peeta and her win of the Hunger Games that Peeta's leg had to be amputated. Katniss becomes deeply upset because she knows the tourniquet that she tied on his leg caused the need for the amputation. However, both Peeta and Caesar assure Katniss that she saved his life with her actions.
What does Peeta tell Katniss that his father once told him about her mother?
Peeta tells Katniss that he was in love with Katniss' mother when they were both children in the town at the center of District Twelve. However Katniss' mother married a coal miner. When Peeta questioned his father as to why a woman from town would marry a coal miner, he said because when he sang the birds would stop to listen.