The third planet from the sun
The earth
What is very good for controlling?
a device
What has all buttons but dies for a long moment?
a remote
what kind of creature does walk with one leg?
A leg
When do humans charge?
at their sleep
what is good for a lady when a gentlemen gives it to her?
a flower
What month do we mostly celebrate parades?
What is flying around animation?
what is cows faviroute game?
moosical chairs
When do you run out of battery?
when you are getting sleepy
What is impossible to squeeze and very hard?
a rock
What is capital for china?
A catipal city
Someone sells something, the one who buys it doesn't use it, and the one who uses doesn't know he is using it, who am I?
a Coggin
Why didn't the boy talk with his best friend?
Because his mobile run out of battery
What has all memories?
a gallery
What 2things do we don't eat before breakfast?
Lunch and Dinner
You peel me, you cry but I don't who am I?
an onion
A girl fell from a 20 feet tall ladder and didn't hurt, why?
Because she was still at the bottom
What thing is very useful for a human but always gets lost?
a jacket
What is letting you charge back?
having fitness
what do we eat from nature?
everything except poisen
What is your size and weighs 0 grams
your shadow
What is fluffy but some humans are scared from, what is it?
a dog
What is a giants faviroute meal?
Big tasty
What looks so cute but crys all the time