The year in which the Mughal Empire was established.
What is 1526
The most common religion in the Indian subcontinent.
What is Hinduism.
A densely populated and fertile plain in Pakistan.
What is the Indus River Valley.
India’s GDP rate
What is $2,900.
Festival of Lights
What is Diwali.
The first empire to take control of India.
What is the Mauryan Empire.
2 religions that are native to India.
The main climate in the Indian subcontinent.
What is Tropical Climate.
Type of government India has.
What is democracy.
3 largest cities of India.
What is Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata.
The country that broke away in 1971 to form Bangladesh.
What is East Pakistan.
A system that divided Indian society into groups based on a person’s birth or occupation.
What is the caste system .
A large piece of landmass that is smaller than a continent .
What is a subcontinent.
The 2 main issues faced by the Indian Government.
What is providing for a growing population and resolving conflicts with Pakistan.
Current Population of India.
What is around 1.2 billion.
The person who led India's Independence.
Who is Mahatma Gandhi.
The state of perfet peace in which suffering and reincarnation ends.
What is Nirvana
The climate of the plains south of the Himalayas.
What is a humid subtropical climate.
A program that encourages farmers to adopt modern agriculture methods.
What is Green Revolution.
The occupation that most people of India have.
What is farming.
The time that the British Empire started ruling India.
When was the 1500s (1858,1800's).
The most common religion in Pakistan.
What is Islam.
The mountain range that stretches 1500 miles along the border of the Indian Subcontinent.
What are the Himalayas.
The combination of Bombay and Hollywood.
What is Bollywood.
The population of India lives in rural areas.
What is more than 70%.