The amount of shillings a child could make in a given week.
The economic system that requires you to privatize land is called...
What is capitalism.
What are utopians.
The current president and vice president of the United States of America.
Who is Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.
During the Industrial Revolution, people moved from working on ____ to working in ____.
What is farms to factories.
This is the technique factory owners would use to keep children awake and attentive during a 16 hours shift.
What is whipping/beating.
The economic system that requires you to make land public and shared is called...
What is communism.
The idea that humans will deplete a resource due to their own self-interest and harm others is called...
What is tragedy of the commons?
The belief that AMERICANS are more superior or better than others is called...
What is American Exceptionalism.
The Industrial Revolution was preceded by this other revolution. It was a revolution about farming and planting crops.
What was the Agricultural Revolution?
The reasons why children and/or women were hired more than men.
What is complained very little, cheaper pay/wages, and fit in smaller spaces.
The current economic system that the United States has is ___. An example of this would be ___.
The economic system that states that the government should not interfere.
What is laissez-faire capitalism.
The most popular event to have happened in history in Salem, Massachusetts.
What is the Salem Witch Trials.
Name four technological inventions from the Industrial Revolution.
What is the spinning jenny/mule, waterwheel, steam engine, electric motors, telegraph, alarm clock, hourglass, telephone, automobile, cotton gin, sewing machine, and typewriter.
Due to the lack of health laws, Britain smelled like ___ during the Industrial Revolution.
What is inhaling cayenne pepper.
During the Industrial Revolution, Thomas Malthus believed that population growth would/is...
This event occurred because British colonists did not like the taxes on tea. During this event, they threw tea in the harbor.
What is the Boston Tea Party.
What 3 natural resources were found in Britain that contributed to the Industrial Revolution?
What is coal, iron ore, and waterways.
He is best known for founding the ethical theory of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the idea that actions and laws are right if they increase happiness and wrong if they increase pain.
Who is Jeremy Bentham.
The legislative branch has the power to ___ laws. The executive branch has the power to ___ laws. The judicial branch has the power to ___ laws.