Industrialization began in this country.
This underground resource was vital to Britain's industrial revolution.
The exploitation of minors that happened during the Industrial Revolution.
Child Labor
Word for new machines, equipment, tools and ways of doing things based on modern knowledge.
Shoes, clothing, household goods, tools, and other items that enhance people’s quality of life became _______ during the IR, which is a __________.
more affordable / cheaper
The three factors of production are Land, Labor and capital. Britain had lots / little of these, which is why the IR started there.
This is the technique factory owners would use to keep children awake and attentive during a 16 hours shift.
Whipping / beating
A word (related to writing or debating) for a claim or theory that is put forward as a idea to be supported or proved.
An area of water next to the land where the water is calm, so that ships are safe when they are inside it.
Factory working conditions were _______ for workers, which was a _______.
horrible / poor/ bad
The Industrial Revolution was preceded by this other revolution.
Agricultural Revolution
Year in which the Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain.
People migrated from this place to the other during the Industrial Revolution.
From farms (rural areas) to cities (factories).
Things that are produced in order to be sold
unhealthy habits
Britain's geography aided with the industrial revolution beginning there. List TWO geographical factors and HOW they supported the IR.
- jagged coastline (safe harbors)
- rivers (for power and transport)
- coal underground (fuel and power source)
- island (easy to trade with other countries)
This British city was the birthplace of Industrialization.
The British word for bathroom, there were only a few of these for every 100 person and they often emptied into rivers that people used for cleaning and washing.
A substance used to make a product
Raw Materials
Labor saving machines ________ during the IR, which was a _______
advanced / were created
This person invented the steam engine.
James Watt
When London grew, there was a shortage of _____ which led people to rely on coal as a power source.
wood / lumber / trees
This is an organization of workers that fights for higher pay and better working conditions. These grew out of the industrial revolution and still protect workers' rights today.
A union
A new idea, method or invention.
Cramped shantytowns made up of shacks and other forms of poor-quality housing are a sign of _______________, which was a ___________