What was the secret identity of Papa Georges?
He was an incredibly famous film director.
How did Isabelle's birth parents die?
In a car crash.
How did Hugo’s father die?
In a fire accident.
How did Mama Jeanne meet Papa Georges?
Trick question; It doesn't say in the book.
What was his job before he went missing?
The Timekeeper.
What sound does Papa Georges hate?
The sound of clicking shoe heels.
Is Mama Jeanne & Papa Georges Isabelle's real parents?
No, they are Isabelle's adoptive parents.
Where did Hugo & Isabelle meet about Hugo’s “burnt” notebook?
The bookstore.
What is Mama Jeanne keeping in the secret cabinet?
Papa George's old drawings.
What did Uncle Claude love to do?
Drink from his silver flask.
What is the name of one of Papa Georges most famous works?
A Trip to the Moon
How did Etienne come in use for Isabelle?
He snuck her into the theaters to watch the movies.
Who figured out that Hugo was stealing milk bottles from the café?
Madame Emile & Monsieur Frick.
What was Mama Jeanne reluctant to do when Rene Tabard & Etienne visited?
She was reluctant to let them stay; she was reluctant to watch one of Papa Georges' movies.
What did Uncle Claude teach Hugo to do?
Maintain the clocks; steal stuff.
Why does Papa Georges hate the sound that he hates?
In order to earn enough money, he had to sell his movies to a place where they melt them down into shoe heels, so when shoe heels click, it makes him sad hearing “the sounds of my films disappearing forever into the dust.”
What was the profession of Isabelle's parents (the ones who died in a car crash)?
Isabelle's father was a cameraman & Isabelle's mother was a teacher at a local school.
What were the names of Hugo’s best friends?
Antoine & Louis.
How did Mama Jeanne accidentally scare Rene Tabard & Etienne when they came to visit?
She was cutting things in the kitchen & was holding a very sharp knife.
Where did Uncle Claude live?
In the apartments of the station.
Which of these images were originally drawn by Georges Melies?
All of them!
What were some of Isabelle's favorite actors?
Charlie Chaplin; Jean Renoir; Buster Keaton.
What was the name of the academy that Hugo went to research about Papa Georges?
Film Academy; Academie Du Cinema Francais
What were Mama Jeanne's jobs when she was working with Papa Georges?
She was first Papa George's assistant when they were magicians, but when they got into movies, Mama Jeanne became the star of Papa Georges' movies.
When the police found Uncle Claude's body, how did they know it was his?
By his silver flask.