Content Question
Complex Sentence

Please find the synonym of the word

1. banned: a. prohibited b. permitted

2. compulsory: a. required b. not allowed

3. eradicate: a. spread b. eliminate

4. plague: a. afflict b. benefit

1 a

2 a 

3 b

4 a


Read each statement. Decide if it is true or false according to the reading and give support. 

As in the past, smallpox continues to kill many people each year.


End in 1977


What is the grammar function of the italic part 

Spread by contact through the air, the disease ravaged every class of society.

past participle as adverbial

"The most terrible of all the ministers of death" - quote from T.B. Macaulay 

The quote refers to what?



In London, death claimed 80% of the children.

What is the English meaning of claim

Please make a new sentence out of this definition 

to cause the end of someone's life

e.g. The accident claimed seven victims. [=seven people were killed in the accident]


1. Who is Edward Jenner? What is his achievement?

2. Who is Lady Mary Waltey? What is her achievement?

1. He investigated cowpox scientifically and invented "vaccine"

2. She brought the practice of variation to England in 1721.


What type of the sentence is the following one/

What is its original form?

From this observation of natural immunity came the practice of variolation.


The practice of variation came from this observation of natural immunity. 



1. Edward Jenner included who in his later experiments with the vaccine? 

2. If you were him, would you do the same?

his son

any reasonable explanation 


1. virulent a. spread b. malignant, bitter, or hostile

2. principles a. rules b. ideas

3. acquired a. bought or recently possessed 

                 b. accumulated

4. livelihoods a. money 

                    b. means of supporting existence

5. revered a. respected b. relating to a dream

1 b

2 a

3 a

4 b

5 a 


Jenner's ideas were immediately accepted by the people of his time. Is this statement correct? If not, who disagree with him?


3 types of people

variolator for their livelihood

British Medical Association

Cartoonists made fun of him


What is the grammar function of the italic part and please translate the sentence.

In France, Jenner was so revered that on his request the French emperor Napoleon freed some British prisoners of war, saying: “Ah, Jenner, I can refuse him nothing”.

adverbial clause of result: so...that...

saying: present participle work as adverbial


Over the centuries, human beings gained the knowledge of "the speckled monster".

1. What is the "the speckled monster"?

2. How did human beings gain the knowledge?

1. smallpox

2. observation


1. contract a. acquire b. eliminate

2. decimating a. bold b. destroying

3. immunity a. resistance 

                   b. characteristic of the immune system

4. infected a. contaminated b. dirty

5. ravaged a. destroyed b. disappointed

6. procedure a. organization b. process

1 a

2 b

3 a 

4 a

5 a 

6 b


What happened in the 16th century and in 1967?

in 16th century: Spanish conquerors brought smallpox to the Americas

in 1967: the United Nations' World Health Organization began a global campaign to eradicate smallpox with free vaccines.


1. What is the grammar function of Italic part?

2. Who is the "microbe hunter"?

3. Who is invisible enemies? 

In 1980, thanks to Edward Jenner’s work and to all the “microbe hunters” fighting humanity’s invisible enemies, the World Health Assembly officially declared “the world and its peoples” free from smallpox.

1. prepsent participle as attribute  

2. doctor

3. disease


What is the grammar function of the italic part and translate the who sentence. 

In the 16th century, Spanish conquerors brought smallpox to the Americas, decimating most of the native populations because they had never been exposed to the disease before and had no immunity.

1. present participle work as adverbial 

2. translation 


Please fill in the blanks with the word you have learnt today. 

1. Fifty years ago, it was sill______ (required) for Americans traveling abroad to carry a vaccination certificate.

2. An epidemic of smallpox in 180B.C. killed the Roman emperor and ______ (damaged) the Roman Empire. 

3. Even when its did not kill, the disease was so ____ (strong) that  it turned loved ones into objects of horror.

1. compulsory 

2. ravage

3. virulent 

Please conclude the main idea of each paragraph 






1: the start of disease + death rate

2: How did smallpox spread and its impact

3: one method of medication – variolation

4: the invention of vaccine

5: eradication of smallpox + prospect of future 


Please analyze the grammar function of all the italic parts. 

1. Edward Jenner, an English country doctor, heard stories about farmworkers who had contracted cowpox and then ever got smallpox.

2. Jenner became known not because he discovered the cowpox/smallpox connection – many farmers knew this from observation – but because he investigated it scientifically and proved it, showing the world how to benefit from it.

3. He inoculated them with cowpox and then proved that they no longer reacted when variolated with smallpox.

1.  attributive clause

2. parenthesis & present participle work as adverbial

3. object clause 



Page 82

Practice 2 match the items on the left with the explanations on the right.

1 c

2 e

3 i

4 f

5 a

6 b

7 g

8 d

9 h