What dog breed is bori
When is our anniversary
oct seventeenth
What is your highest flash grade?
which city do I want to move to
new york, maybe one day
What year was speed climbing invented
What was the first gift that you gave to me? (small gifts included)
coffee from hmart??
What angle is a moon board set at?
waht do I admire about you the most?
your people skills!
What two countries does the dprk border
china and rok
What is my favourite dog breed?
smo poodles
Italian greyhounds
What was my first valentines day gift to you?
that bath table thing
la sportiva
What size is my second keyboard
name three countries that start with j
Japan, jordan, jamaica, etc.
What month was Pom born in?
What is my favourite food that we've made together
pizzzaaass and mussels
Name three male Olympic climbers
narasaki, ondra, chon, etc.
what is the capital of ontario
where did blackberry phones come from
What colour is bori? (official colour)
parti apricot
What did we do together on our one year anniversary
we recreated what we did a year prior@1
What model of la sportiva shoe do I have
What is the name of the birth control that I take
what year did the imf crisis