Why did the father insist on "returning" the gold?
He believed it did not belong to him because he bought the land from someone before they lived there.
What did the family decide to do with the gold and why?
They decided that they would split it equally with the people they bought the land from. This is because the jar belonged to know one as the sellers did not own thee jar and once it was found it belonged to the new owners.
What is ethics?
Islamic ethics are the rules that teach Muslims to be kind, honest, fair, and respectful to others, following the guidance from the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to make the world a better place and please Allah.
Tell me any one thing you learned from the movie.
Can be anything.
Where was the jar found?
It was found in the wall of the house.
Which character represented the characteristics dishonesty and greed?
Anad, the greedy neighbor.
Why did the family hesitate when they first found the jar?
They were unsure whether to keep the treasure for themselves or to return it to its rightful owner. It was a battle between greed and doing what was right.
Name one major Islamic theme the movie explains.
Honesty, Integrity, Greed, Justice, Selfishness, Fairness, etc.
What lesson can we learn from the family’s decision to return the treasure to its rightful owner?
The importance of honesty and integrity—doing the right thing, even when it’s difficult.
Which character was your favorite and why? It has to be a good reason I wont accept an answer like "he was funny".
Neighbor, father, sons, wife, townspeople, squirrel, donkey, etc.
What can we learn from the neighbor’s wife about how to act when someone close to us is making wrong decisions?
We can try to guide them gently, showing them the right path with wisdom, even if it means facing a difficult situation.
How did Anad, the neighbor, get the jar in his hands?
There was a storm where the youngest son fell into the river a long with jar. The father and eldest son had concern only for the boy and disregarded the jar in that moment of panic.
What does the prophet (saw) teach us about honesty?
Honesty leads to righteousness, dishonesty brings harm, honesty should guide all actions, and good character is built on truthfulness.
How does the family’s teamwork show the importance of supporting each other?
It teaches that families should work together and support each other in difficult times, which is important in Islam.
I have a friend who found a pencil on the floor in the masjid. What should I tell them to do?
What values does the wife demonstrate by supporting her family’s decision to do the right thing with the treasure?
honesty, integrity, and fairness, etc.
Where did Anad find the jar and how did the family get it back?
Anad hid the jar in a cave behind the waterfall. The family found it because Anad's wife left a note for them telling them where it was.
How does the neighbor stealing the jar of gold show the consequences of selfishness, and what lesson can we learn from his actions?
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught that a true believer should not take what does not belong to them, and that selfishness can lead to negative consequences both in this life and the hereafter. The lesson here is that selfishness harms relationships and leads a person away from righteousness and toward sin.
Why is the ending, where the treasure is split equally, a lesson in fairness?
It shows that wealth should be shared fairly and handled justly, reflecting the Islamic value of justice. Wealth is one of the tests from Allah (swt) so we should always be humble and modest about how we handle it.
Think back to a time where you or someone you know experienced a similar problem as in the movie. Knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?
open ended
Why was the squirrel an important character in the story?
The squirrel protected the family’s eggs, showed loyalty, and fought against the mice who were stealing from the family, teaching the values of loyalty, protection, and defending what is right in Islam.
When you are stuck and unsure what to do about a certain problem, what do you do? Hint: the town elder from the movie did what?
You seek advice from other people who may have insight or are wiser than you. When you are stuck its good to understand the situation from a different perspective.
What is the most important theme we can learn from this movie?
Having tawakkul (trust) in Allah (swt)
In what ways does the theme of good versus evil play out in the movie, and what lesson can we learn from it about choosing the right path?
The movie teaches that choosing the path of honesty and integrity over greed and selfishness leads to the right outcome, as demonstrated by the family's decision to return the jar to its rightful owner despite the temptation to keep it.
Give me a summary of what happened in the movie and why you think I made you watch it?
Open ended