Language stuff

This is the quotient of 100 divided by 4

What is 25


Elliana used to have a crush on this person

Who is The JVKE Person


This is what goes in the blank to this phrase

"Oh yeah, watch it ___"

What is FffFFFllllOOOOooooWWWWW AAAAAAAAAH I hate the kid's BUUUUTTTTT

This is how you say "Hi" in italian

What is Ciao


This is elliana's height

What is 5'1


This is the sum of 93 and 90

What is 183


Joel never had a crush on these people

Who is a-r-i-a-n-a g-r-a-n-d-e, d-u-a l-i-p-a, b-i-l-l-i-e e-i-l-i-s-h, the people that made I've got a record player that was made in 2014, and t-a-y-l-o-r s-w-i-f-t


This is where I lived for over 10 years

Where is America


This is how you say "Bread" in italian

What is Pane


This is how you solve a rubik's cube

What is copying a tutorial


This is the sum of 77+33

What is 110


This is the name of this song

I keep losing my socks
Where do they go?
I bet they're finally free
Floating somewhere in the sea
Do they miss my feet?

I keep losing my socks
I got nothing to wear
I bet they're at her place
A house where I can't show my face
How I wanna be there

Holy moly, it's a real do-nothing day
I could change address and try another state
I could change my name, it won't do anything
Adventure is out there
Adventure is out there
So why am I in here
So why am I in here today?

Think I'm losing my mind
Apathetic and tired
Think where they could be
Some hotel in Germany
Hope they're loving the ride

Holy moly, it's a real do-nothing day
I could change address and try another state
I could change my name, it won't do anything
Adventure is out there
Adventure is out there
So why am I in here
So why am I in here today?

I bought me some new socks
I won't lose them I'm sure
And someday hopefully
I'll slip away and they'll lose me
And I'll be seeing the world

Holy moly, it's a real do-nothing day
I could change address and try another state
I could change my name, it won't do anything
Adventure is out there
Adventure is out there
So why am I in here
So why am I in here today?

Why am I in here today?
Why am I in here today?

What is Adventure is out there - A-J-R


This is where elliana said "Mama's swearing every day now and it's not getting any better"

Where is Ireland

This is how you say "Love" in italian

What is Amore 

(Also I love my family)


This is how many hours are in a day 

(It's a trick question)

What is 24 hours


This is what 2x2+2 equals

What is 6

(just in case you got it wrong, you need to do order of operation)


This is the number of intervals between each note on the circle of fifths

What is 5 intervals


This is the answer to the question "Did I see the chick fil a sign"

What is yes


This is how you say "Planet" in italian

What is Pianeta


This is what Mama said in the Walmart Parking lot that started the whole me thinking eli's cheeks are squishy

What is "Joel has the trampoline cheeks and Eli has the squishy cheeks"


This is Euler's identity

What is e+1=0

(that thing infront of the I is pi but I couldn't find a correct emoji for it)


This is the name of playing each note of a chord individually in a pattern or a syncopated way

What is an arpeggio


This is the weirdest thing the kid does

What is being obsessed with her BBUUUUUTTTTTT


This is the longest word in the Italian language

What is precipitevolissimevolmente


Daily Double!!! This is what mama and dada will not have to say when all of the kids move out

what is "Pick Up Your CCCRRRPPP"