Adjectives of quantity
The color of rubies , blood and is a primary color.
What is the descriptive adjective red.
Indicating familiar person or thing: used to refer to somebody or something not described, but familiar to the speaker and hearer and not requiring identification indicating distance from speaker: indicating somebody or something a distance away from you, or further away from another, referred to as "this"
What is the demonstrative adjective that.
While: at or during the time that as soon as: as soon as somebody does something or something happens at some point: at some point during an activity, event, or circumstance.
What is the interrogative adjective when.
Filled to capacity: holding as much or as many as is possible.
What is the quantity adjective full.
The adjective usually used to describe women that are beautiful.
What is the descriptive adjective pretty.
Plural of "this": the form of "this" used before a plural noun or with a multiple referent
What is the demonstrative adjective these.
Which thing or which particular one of many.
What is the interrogative adjective what.
weighing a lot: weighing a relatively large amount and thus difficult to lift, carry, or move.
What is the quantity adjective heavy.
unwaivering in belief: to believe strongly in someone or something. The military latin motto semper fidelis.
What is the descriptive adjective faithful.
Plural of "that": the form of "that" used before a plural noun or with a multiple referent.
What is the demonstrative adjective those
what one or ones out of a group. _of you want tea?
What is the interrogative adjective which.
Large number: a large number of people or things each of considerable number: each of a considerable number synonyms: a lot of · lots of · numerous · loads of · countless · several · various.
What is the quantity adjective many.
likely to attack: showing readiness or having tendencies to attack.
What is the descriptive adjective aggressive.
Over there: in or to that place over there that or those: located in that place over there that one or those ones: the one or ones in that place over there
What is the demonstrative adjective yon.
1.introduces question: used to introduce a question asking about the name or identity of a person or people.
What is the interrogative adjective who.
Many: many in number synonyms: many · frequent · plentiful · abundant · several · copious · various.
What is the quantity adjective numerous.
lively and high spirited. having zeal.
What is the descriptive adjective vivacious.
The distance: the far distance over there: in or to that place over there that or those: located in that place over there
What is the demonstrative yonder.
Asking reason: for what reason because of: for or on account of which
What is the interrogative adjective why.
Scant: thinly spread, or occurring with many spaces in between synonyms: thin · scant · scarce · spare · light · bare · meager · scrubby.
What is the quantity adjective sparse.