Star Wars (The Golden Era)
Star Wars (Mad King Era)
Star Wars (Corporate Greed Era)
The Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Pathetic Imitations Of The MCU

The original three Star Wars films follow the story of Luke Skywalker, the son of this iconic villain 

Who is Darth Vader?


Instead of our misfit band of rebels, the prequel trilogy traces the rise of Darth Vader, who’s government name is this

Who is Anakin Skywalker?


Episode IV adds another droid to its cast of characters, a spherical lil guy named this

Who is BB-8?


It’s Iron Man’s alter ego

Who is Tony Stark?


While this comics company generally has better-known superheroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, Marvel has been more successful at the box office.

What is DC Comics?


Princess Leia, a secret Rebel leader, hides plans to the Death Star in this lovable droid, later purchased by her long lost brother Luke

Who is R2-D2?


Young Anakin Skywalker is an avid mechanic, competing in Ben-Hur style “pod racing,” and building this iconic droid

Who is C-3PO?


Kylo Ren, a Supreme Leader of the First Order (bad), kills his father in Episode IV - this character from the original series

Who is Han Solo?


The Marvel Cinematic Universe comprises more than thirty films, broken up into “Phases.” This is the current phase.

What is the fifth phase?


The Justice League movie was first released in 2017, but after incels raised a stink about studio interference with the theatrical cut, Warners released a four-hour version on HBOMax in 2021, called this

What is The Snyder Cut?


The galaxy’s hottest scoundrel, Han Solo, is indebted to this lugubrious crime lord 

Who is Jabba the Hut?


Negative backlash to this Gungan character in Episode I: The Phantom Menace, resulted in his role being dramatically reduced to the point where he doesn’t speak at all in Episode III.

Who is Jar Jar Binks


Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, a bloated mess of a film that was co-opted by the far-right to push racist and misogynistic messaging, was directed by this person

Who is Rian Johnson?


The “Infinity Saga” (which made up the first three phases) concluded with Tony Stark sacrificing his life to kill this purple guy

Who is Thanos?


King Kong and Godzilla go from enemies to lovers in this cinematic universe?

What is the Monsterverse?


Luke calls this ship a “piece of junk,” despite it having famously done the Kessel run in twelve parsecs

What is The Millenium Falcon?


Episode II sees the universe’s governing body, the Galactic Republic, descend into the fascist Galactic Empire, aided by their use of this type of ubiquitous soldier

What is a clone?


Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, a cowardly film that reverses the fresh, original storytelling laid out in Episode VIII in favor of cheap nostalgia, reveals the ultimate villain of the sequel trilogy to be this Big Bad of the Star Wars universe

Who is Palpatine?


The “Big Bad” of the MCU’s current “Multiverse Saga” was going to be this character, played by Jonathan Majors. They’re rethinking. 

Who is Kang (The Conquerer?) 


A planned “Dark Universe” that would have brought together classic Universal like Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, and Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde was shelved after the failure of this 2017 Tom Cruise film

What is The Mummy?


The world’s first introduction to a galaxy far far away was in 1977 with the film that is now called “Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope,” despite its original title being simply this

What is Star Wars?

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith sees Anakin Skywalker first don the Darth Vader suit - for this reason

What is he was burnt to a crisp?


Disney’s ownership of Star Wars has given audiences three mainline Episodes, as well as two spinoff “Star Wars Stories.” The plan was to make more, until this 2018 film bombed. 

What is Solo: A Star Wars Story?


Starting in 2021, the MCU made a big push into television, beginning with Wandavision. Since then, ten series have premiered on Disney+, most recently this

What is Echo?


Morbius, Venom, and Madame Web all belong to Sony’s shared universe of super-villains, in which this hero legally can’t appear

Who is Spider-Man?