what is a song that rick Astley made hint: Never go-
Never gonna give you up
What is a show with a boy with two older very smart sisters
Johnny Test
What is a show with a wolf named Porsha?
Sing 2
What are all the names of the vicious 6
Wild Knuckles, Svengeance, Jean-Clawed, Stronghold, Nun-Chuck, Belle Bottom
How old is brooklyn
complete the song Gucci Gucci
Yaya Dada
What is a show with a kid called max
What is a movie with a cat in boots
Puss In Boots
Who is the minion who talks to much?
When is Lucas' birthday?
October, 18 2016
Name the things that belle bottom said when talking to gru
Learning, taking a recess, SUCKING HIS THUMB
What is the show that I am absolutely scared of?
What is a movie with a girl who is with a demi-god
What is bailee's username in roblox?
Who loves listening to J krew gaming?
What does Christiano Renaldo say after he scores a goal?
What is a show where two kids find out their dad is a ailen bounty hunter
My dad the bounty hunter
What is a movie with a blue fast headgehog
Sonic the movie
What does brooklyn watch most of the time with bears?
Masha and the bear
Who is the oldest
What is the song with the man that I showed bailee and lucas earlier
Skibiby bop bop bop bop yes yes yes
What is a show that is old and Lucas and Daddy and My Mom and I watched at home
The Cosby Show
What is the movie with a boy who is a weird scientist and a girl news reporter and it rains meatballs
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
Who is a kid who has a friend duck, dog, elephant,catterpillar, an octopus, and 2 birds
Who is the youngest