Civil Rights
South East Asia
Pt. 1
South East Asia Pt. 2
The Culture War

Who took control of Cuba following the overthrow of Bautista?

Fidel Castro


What was the name of the interracial coalition of activists who took busses into the South to challenge the segregation of public spaces?

The Freedom Riders


What did President Eisenhower warn the incoming President Kennedy would be his greatest national security threat?

The situation in Laos


What was the iconic method of protest taken by some Buddhist monks against the Diem regime?

They self-immolated


What was the name of the counterculture movement that shunned conventional clothing, embraced both drug use & sexual promiscuity and had sympathies for Marxism?

The Hippies


What was the Bay of Pigs invasion?

A CIA orchestrated invasion of Cuba which was carried out by Cuban exiles who opposed Castro


Who was James Meredith? 

Meredith was a black Air Force veteran who was initially denied entry into Mississippi State University, but fought for the right to attend the school. Federal Marshals were deployed to protect Meredith, but a mob attempted to prevent him from reaching the school's registrar. Eventually the Kennedy Administration had to deploy 30,000 soldiers to restore order. Meredith eventually graduated from Mississippi State University thus desegregating the school. 

Who was the leader of the Communists in Vietnam during the late 1940s until 1969?

Ho Chi Minh


What did the Kennedy Administration do to handle the political chaos in South Vietnam in late 1963?

The CIA helped orchestrate a coup which overthrew and murdered President Diem


Who was the female counterculture singer that died at the age of 27 from a Heroin overdose that wrote the song Mercedes Benz?

Janice Joplin


How did Castro respond to the Bay of Pigs Invasion?

He invited the Soviet Union to install nuclear missiles in Cuba to deter a future American invasion


What was the key Civil Rights legislation that redefined the hiring process in the US?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964


What was the missed opportunity between Ho Chi Minh and President Truman?

Ho had sent a letter to Washington which requested the US recognize Vietnamese independence, but the US decided to support the restoration of French colonial rule instead. 


What happened during the Gulf of Tonkin incident and what was its significance?

Initially a US Navy Ship had a brief skirmish with North Vietnamese torpedo boats. The next day two US Navy ships returned to the location and falsely reported coming under enemy attack. This was used as a pretext by the Johnson Administration to escalate the Vietnam Conflict.


What famous song written by Meryl Haggard was written in opposition to the counterculture?

Oakie from Muskogee 


How did the Cuban Missile Crisis play out?

America blockaded Cuba and the Soviets refused to honor the blockade. Eventually secret negotiations were held between the US and Soviet Union, and the two countries reached a compromise:

The Soviets would remove their nuclear weapons from Cuba and America would remove its Jupiter Missiles from Turkey on the Soviet border.  


What was the landmark Supreme Court case that ended the miscegenation laws that existed in many states?

Loving v. Virginia 


Who was the President of South Vietnam from the late 1950s until 1963?

President Ngo Dinh Diem


Who was Secretary of Defense during the Kennedy and most of the Johnson Administrations that resigned in 1968 over his opposition to the government's Vietnam policy?

Robert Macnamara 


What was the Chennault Affair?

When Henry Kissinger, an American involved in the Paris Peace Talks with North Vietnam, began to leak information from the talks to the Nixon Campaign. The Nixon Campaign than used Anna Chennault as an intermediary to deliver a message to the South Vietnamese. Through Chennault, Nixon successfully convinced the South Vietnamese he would give them a better deal than Johnson, and the South Vietnamese delegation chose to back out of the talks until Nixon became president. Johnson knew this was happening because he was illegally wiretapping the Nixon campaign.


Following the failure of the Bay of Pigs which government official was fired by President Kennedy?

CIA Director Allen Dulles

Who was the Alabama Governor who declared, "segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever"?

George Wallace

What was a major issue with the Diem regime in regard to how it treated its people?

Diem was a Catholic who discriminated against the nation's Buddhist Majority


What was the name of massacre that was stopped by the courageous actions of Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson Jr.?

The Mai Lai Massacre

What was the third-party political ticket in the 1968 election that won five states?
