Standard Categories

Accreditation Participation Requirements

For an organization seeking accreditation for the first time, compliance with most of the Accreditation Participation Requirements (APR) is assessed during the initial survey.


Core Measure Sets

-These are what the joint commission evaluates very closely.

-there are certain treatment plans and methods to take to treat these conditions.

Hospital Outpatient Department
Hospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services
Substance Use
Tobacco Treatment


what is the mission of the joint commission?

to improve patient welfare.



Accreditation Participation Requirements 

specific requirements for participation in the accreditation process and for maintaining an accreditation award.

When seeking accreditation for the first time, compliance with most of the (APR) is assessed during the initial survey.


How to prepare for a survey


-current processes
-current policies
-current procedures relative to standards of care
-improve areas not in compliance


For a health care organization to be accredited...

-it should meet specific quality standards.
-standards are broad and cover different aspects of the care services.


Standards surveyed:

clinical services provided

managerial process

the outcomes of services

the qualification of providers and the patient's satisfaction


True or False?

Accreditation and Certification are very similar in their purpose.


Accreditation attempts to determine if an organization has met requirements of an accrediting body while Certification attempts to confirm that requirements have been met by a certifying institution.



“Care, Treatment, and Services” reflect the flow of care, treatment, or services as they are provided in behavioral health care and human services organizations. They fall into (3) categories:

1. Standards that are applicable to all behavioral health care and human services settings.

2. Standards that are applicable to specific programs/services.

3. Standards that are applicable to specific populations with unique needs, including the following:

- Individuals with addictions

- Children/youth, including children receiving child welfare services

- Individuals with eating disorders

- Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities

- Individuals in opioid treatment


After the Survey

-Report of survey posted on JC website
-If no requirements for improvement (RFI), accreditation is official
-If RFI's, organization makes changes and submits them in a report
-Quality Checks allow consumer to see if facility is accredited
-Unannounced surveys can occur any time between 18-36 months after announced survey
-May give short term notice for larger facilities



A voluntary review process that monitors performance, provides guidelines, determines whether providers will receive gov't funding, a form of recognition.


Standards cover:

-patient rights and education
-infection control
-medication management
-preventing medical errors
-qualifications and competencies for HC providers
-preparation for emergencies


What are the (6) domains of healthcare quality?

safe - effective - patient centered - timely - efficient - equitable



Human Resource Management

addresses the organization’s responsibility to establish and verify staff qualifications, orient staff, and provide staff with the training they need to support the care, treatment, or services the organization provides.


Fire Safety: RACE

R—Rescue anyone in immediate danger

• A—Activate the fire code and notify appropriate person

• C—Confine the fire by closing doors and windows

• E—Evacuate patients and other people to safe area


What happens if you lose accreditation?

Loss of accreditation = loss of funding


What is HCAHPS?

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems

-to provide a standardized survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring patients' perspectives on hospital care


what does the Joint Commission do?

they observe, review, track, and audit everything within a HC facility.


What are (3) specific National Patient Safety Goals?

- ID patients correctly (2 identifiers)
- Prevent infection  (Hand hygiene)
- ID patient safety risks (suicide assessment)


Sentinel events are?

something that happened due to a safety issue that caused the death of a patient.


To earn and maintain The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval...

an organization must undergo an on-site survey by a Joint Commission survey team at least every three years.


How often are hospitals surveyed by the joint commission? 

Hospitals are surveyed every three years. 


What is "The Joint Commission"

non-profit, independent organization that accredits and certifies health care organizations and programs in the US.


Examples of Infection Control Standards (IC)

identifies risks for acquiring and spreading infections

organization sets goals to minimize the possibility of spreading infections

organization has an infection prevention and control plan


Fire Safety: PASS

how to use a fire extinguisher, which stands for: 

Pull the pin

Aim the nozzle

Squeeze the lever

Sweep from side to side