Pause completed by entire surgical team prior to any procedure that confirms correct patient, site, procedure
Time out
Name one of the 2021 National Patient Safety Goals
NPSG 1- Identify patients correctly (2 identifiers). NPSG 2- Improve staff communication (important test results to right staff on time). NPSG 3- use medicines safely (label medications, extra careful with patients on blood thinners, med rec). NPSG 6- use alarms safely NPSG 7- prevent infection. NPSG 15- Identify patient safety risks UP.01- prevent mistakes in surgery
What is a Code Black?
Bomb Threat
How would you transport a gas cylinder?
Hand cart: show where full tanks are stored and where empty tanks are stored
When should a pain assessment be done?
With every shift assessment, anytime you take a set of VS, after any pain-producing procedure, suitable intervals after administration of pain medication
What does the mnemonic P-A-S-S stand for?
Name one way you can reduce the risk of infection
Handwashing with soap and water for 20-30 seconds before and after each patient contact. Alcohol-based hand rubs may be used if there is no visible soiling and C. Diff is not suspected.
If you wanted to know what your role is in a bomb threat, which binder would you find the information in?
Safety binder (red)
Number of inches of open space between the bottom of the sprinklers and the top of stored items
18 inches
Who is responsible for patient safety?
What is PHI and give some examples on how you can protect it
Protected Health Information: not discussing patient information in public places, keeping patient charts in locked area, closing or locking computer screen when walking away, only share info with those on a need to know basis, using cover sheets when transmitting information
What is a sentinel event?
An unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury; may include loss of limb or function
In the event there is a threat requiring evacuation of patients or staff, explain the difference between a horizontal evacuation vs vertical evacuation
Horizontal: threat is contained to only one side of the unit/department floor
Vertical: threat is in more than one area of the unit/department floor
When must sharps containers be replaced?
3/4 full
What does the mnemonic R-A-C-E stand for?
How are patients assessed for fall risks and when is it done?
Assessed utilizing Falls Risk Tool in admission note and then assessed with each shift assessment
What are the 2 patient identifiers you would use prior to medication administration, treatment, or hanging of blood products
Patient full name and date of birth
What would you do in the event of a minor HAZMAT spill?
Check the SDS and follow instructions for clean up
How long are multi-dose vials good for?
28 days
Document that allows patients to communicate what type of medical care they want if they are no longer able to make decisions for themselves, appoints a person to make those decisions on their behalf.
Advance directive
Procedure for donning PPE
Hand hygiene, gown, mask/respirator, goggles/face shield, gloves
Give 3 examples of unapproved abbreviations
(1) .U or u (unit) (2) IU (international unit) (3) Q.D., QD, q.d. (daily) or Q.O.D., QOD, q.o.d. (every other day) (4) 1.0 (no terminal zeros) .5 (always use a leading zero - "always lead never follow" (5) MS, MSO4,MgSO4 (morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate)
Name the five rights of medication administration
Right: patient, drug, dose, route, time (documentation)
What are the 3 categories of precautions for transmission-based infections and give examples
Contact: MRSA, C-diff
Airborne: TB, chickenpox, measles
Droplet: pertussis, influenza, rubella, mumps
What does the mnemonic HAM-SALAD stand for and give examples
High alert medications & Sound-alike Look-alike drugs
HAM: insulin, opioids, anticoagulants, magnesium
Epinephrine & ephedrine / Humulin & Humalog / Hydralizine & Hydroxizine / Hydrocodone & Oxycodone Hydromorphone & Morphine / Lorazepam & Clonazepa Novolin & Novolog / Prilosec & Prozac / Solu-medrol & Solu-cortef / Tramadol & Trazodone