Joint Commission Basics
Patient Saftey
Work Place
Progressive Care
Bonus Prize Round
During the JC survey, the surveyors will talk primarily to: A. The Hospital Administrators B. The doctors, nurses and staff C. The patients D. The Mercury News
B. YOU! That's why you are playing this game, right?
Name one of the 2018 National Patient Safety Goals

The corridors and hallways need to be clear of clutter, no stretchers, no carts of any kind...only isolation towers. Nothing is to be left in the hallways for more than____
30 Minutes
What do the letters NICOM stand for?
Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring
What does "see one cite one" mean in TJC speak?
If they see one incidence of something that is not right the entire organization gets a citation. For example: if 1 RN or any staff member is seen commencing to perform patient care and they don't properly cleanse their hands before doing so the entire hospital gets cited, not just that particular unit as in the past. 
The only setting an RN is allowed to change or adjust on respiratory equipment is?
The oxygen (FiO2)
What is "tracer methodology"?
Surveyors analyze a hospital's systems by following individual patients through their hospitalization, evaluating multiple units, departments, and services rendered to the patient.
Name one way you reduce the risk of health-care associated infections in your department.
Handwashing with soap and water before and after each patient contact: Even if you used gloves wash vigorously for 15 seconds. Alcohol-based hand rubs may be used if there is no visible soiling and C. Diff is not suspected. Use of artificial or long fingernails is prohibited. LATHER UP!
If you wanted to know what your role is in a bomb threat, which place would you find the information in?
The Emergency Management Flip Chart located on the wall in the main nurses station by the hand washing sink.
NICOM measures what and what?
"Flow" and fluid volume status as well as cardiac output.
Now that marijuana is legal in California is it "OK" for patient to bring it with them to the hospital for smoking or vaping?
Absolutely not!! Marijuana will be treated as any other narcotic brought into the hospital by a patient; it will be packaged and sent to pharmacy for identification and storage until the patient is discharged.
Due to a medication shortage,  Diltiazem/Cardizem has been replaced with what drug?
What is HIPPA? Name one way protected health information is kept private in your department? Who is El Camino Hospital's Privacy Officer:
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability ACT. States the PHI may only be used for purposes of treatment, payment, healthcare operations. Examples of how to protect PHI: 1. Don't discuss patient information in the hallway or elevators, 2. close computer screens when away from PC and/or lock your screen and DO NOT leave your ID badge at the computer.  Diane Wigglesworth, Chief Compliance Officer @ x7032
What is the maximum number of packages of commercially prepared medications that an RN can mix/compound?
Three only....Kris Coleman-Haas to explain :-)
What do RACE and PASS mnemonics stand for when there is a fire?
RACE - R - Remove patients and others, A- Alarm, C- Contain the fire (close doors), E- Extinguish the fire when it is safe to do so or E - Evacuate PASS - P- Pull the pin, A-Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire, S-Squeeze the handle, S-Sweep the nozzle form side to side
What are the three "triple aim" categories of importance displayed on the Progressive Care Vis-board?
1) Quality

2) Service

3) Affordability

Hallway doors can only be propped open 30 minutes or less?

FALSE. Doors should NEVER be propped open with a door stop.

What is the number of required hours a nurse must perform direct patient care in order to sit for the PCCN exam?
1,750 hours with 875 of those hours occurring in the past one year.
What do the acronyms "TJC" and "CSR" stand for?
TJC = The Joint Commission 

CSR = Continuous Service Readiness

What do the letters CAUTI stand for?
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection...which we are doing our best to prevent. 
1) What should you do in the event of a Minor hazardous material spill? 2) For Major Spills?
1) Open the tool box under "safety" tab, then SDS (Safety Data Sheets) and chose the correct selection that applies and follow the directions. 2) Dial 55 and call Code Orange.
What is the one med that can't be seen in a syringe hanging out of your pockets?
Saline Syringes!!! or ANY MED!

Code Pink indicates child abduction.

False. Code pink indicates infant abduction.

I am the Code Blue medication nurse. I know that in a Code Blue where the patient is in "PEA" I should anticipate giving Epinephrine and Atropine.
FALSE!!  Atropine was removed from the ACLS protocol.
The Joint Commission survey is conducted: a) Annually b) Every 2 Years c) Every 3 Years d) Every 4 Years
c) Every 3 Years
Name 3 of the unapproved abbreviations.
(1) .U or u (unit) (2) IU (international unit) (3) Q.D., QD, q.d. (daily) or Q.O.D., QOD, q.o.d. (every other day) (4) 1.0 (no terminal zeros) .5 (always use a leading zero - "always lead never follow" (5) MS, MSO4,MgSO4 (morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate)
Per Life Safety Standards there needs to be ___inches or more of open space maintained below the sprinkler deflector to the top of storage.

Under the "triple aim" on our Vis-board, what are the 3 subjects that are either organizational or unit based goals and line up with Quality, Service, and Affordability?

Quality - Goal: 3 or less CAUTIs this fiscal year.

Service - Goal: Nurse Communication (improving)

Affordability - Reduction in LOS for AWS patients

What is it called when you are adding Lidocaine to your IV with potassium chloride?
Compounding or IV Addmixture
At 0900 I removed my patient's IUC. At what time should this patient void before and if they haven't voided what do I do next?
1500 hours 

Bladder Scan