what must be renewed each admission if blood products need to be given?
Who can sign a chemo order?
What is a Fellow with Staff signature or just a Staff signature.
Appropriate to stop walking, talking, driving when music is heard.
What is retreat/reveille?
(segs + bands) X WBC's
What is "how to calculate ANC"?
When documenting, blood return must be present during these times
What are pre, during & post infusion?
When must staff wear a mask?
when Pt is on droplet or airborne precautions or when they think they have a cold.
2 RN's
What is "how many nurses does it take to check chemo?"
What is a Colonel? (stand up when they enter an area to show respect)
Lab value abnormalities in Tumor Lysis Syndrome
What is hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia?
Starts on admission.
What is discharge teaching?
What must be checked, cleared and documented every 4hrs?
PCA settings, pump and use.
Gloves, chemo gown, eye protection
What is "proper PPE to administer chemo?"
Custom after post mortem care, when moving a body to the morgue.
what is Draping of the flag.
A potentially fatal side effect of an allogenic stem cell transplant.
What is Graft Versus Host Disease?
What items must be documented on admission?
Nurse admission history (AMD, Valuables imbedded in admission history)
Nurse note titled Medication Reconciliation
Patient Education
What are a few of the steps you take when a hazardous materials spill occurs?
Protect yourself by using appropriate PPE.
Identify the material and approximate quantity to select the appropriate absorbent or other spill kit material.
Stop the spill (e.g., right the overturned container).
Contain the spill, prevent it from spreading with absorbent or other appropriate spill kit material.
Clean-up spill residue, place it in a container compatible with the hazardous substance, and label the container as Spent Spill Materials and with its contents.
Decontaminate personnel, equipment and area.
Initiate evacuation of area, if necessary.
Patient's receiving this drug for induction therapy for AML should also receive allopurinol and dexamethasone eye drops concurrently during treatment.
What is cytarabine?
Colonel Jones
Who is Our section chief?
high fevers, fatigue, hypotension, myalgia/arthralgia, headache, hypoxia, encephalopathy
Must be documented every shift.
Patient goal
reviewed previous shift recommendations
recommendations for next shift
Invasive lines
Plan of care (met or not met and how)
(All audited!!)
What are a few components of Standard Precautions? (e.g., hand hygiene)
Standard Precautions include hand hygiene, safety-engineered devices, safe work practices, and the use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gowns, eye protection and masks, whenever touching or exposure to patient 1) blood, 2) body fluids, secretions, and excretions, except sweat, regardless of whether it contains visible blood, 3) non-intact skin, or 4) mucous membranes is anticipated.
Blood cultures, urine culture, UA, chest x-ray, start antibiotic within an hour
What is neutropenic fever?
BAMC commanding general
Who is General Appenzeller?
Blunting the immune response and obliteration of bone marrow in preparation for stem cell or bone marrow transplant.
What is Immunosuppression and Myeloablation.
when documenting a port access, you should also document this.
what is port needle?