Who is a journalist?
Multimedia Journalist
What Convergence means
Fill in the blank
Journalists in the 21st century are the reporters, editors, photographers, producers and camera crews who sift through the many events of a day to tell you what is important or interesting in your community and the world.
What is the modern journalist?
Fill in the blank:______ simply means that a web story is some combination of the written word,photographs,video clips,audio clips,graphics and an interactive element, such as a quiz or a poll.
What is Multimedia?
Fill in the blank:_____ _____ is journalism in which the audience participates. News sites started down this path by enabling web users to comment on stories or blogs.
What is citizen journalism?
The process or state of converging.
What is convergence?
Fill in the blank: Work in the field of journalism which is the business of news gathering and _________
What is reporting?
Fill in the blank: ____________ storytellers who use all the technology available to them.
What is modern-day?
Are news and information gatherers who are comfortable working to produce all the elements of using multimedia?
What is a multimedia journalist?
Journalism conducted on the internet.
What is online journalism?
A display in a public place.
What is posts?
Fill in the blank: _______ Assign and approve the content( stories, photos and videos) that will be produced for a print, broadcast or online news report.
What is an editor.
Work with government officials, businesses and community leaders, but they must remain independent of them and free from any association that would be or might appear to be a conflict of interest.
What is the role of journalists?
Include text,photographs,video and audio.
What is a multimedia story?
Fill in the blank: By ____ the internet was an important source of information and on its way to becoming america's main news source.
What is 2010?
An online producer oversees the making of content for websites and other online properties.
What is content producers?
Fill in the blank: _____________ take still shots for a story.
What is a photographer.
Do not work for a particular news outlet and they may cover stories for any news outlet that wants to hire them.
What is freelance journalist?
Fill in the blank: Sometimes an editor, who may called a _____ if part of a website team, takes charge of a multimedia story particularly when it is a breaking news story.
What is a producer?
The 21st century journalists understands that they must deliver the content their audiences want anytime anywhere and to any device. This means meeting 24/7 demands and asking editors and reports to do new jobs or work different hours while expanding their skills beyond print into video, audio and other media.
What is the new newsroom?
Capture video and still images on memory cards.
What is digital video camera?
Fill in the blank: __________ tell stories with moving images and capture the story in video.
What is a videographer.
Fill in the blank: _______, also called correspondents, gather information for stories by researching =, observing and interviewing. They write most of the content that is assigned to them by editors.They also sometimes present their own material to be approved by their editor.
What is a reporter?
Fill in the blank: May be referred to as _______ ________ because they carry in a backpack all the technical tools needed to produce the multiple elements of the story.
What is a backpack journalist?
The variety of platforms on which news consumers can receive information is forcing journalists to think in new ways about how they will present a story. Journalist must think in terms of multiple media, the adding of audio and video elements to the story. Journalist are likely to write the same story in different forms for both a print publication and its website.
What is Merging operations?
Is the work that an editor does to improve the formatting, style, and accuracy of text.
What is a copy editor?
Fill in the blank: _____ work with editors and reporters to produce illustrations, charts, graphs, maps pr other material that will help tell a story.
What is an artists?