Literary Devices
Chinese Tradtitions

Ying-Ying St. Clair lost her name. Her husband only knew a few Chinese words, and he even changed her birth year. Which is also why the baby she carried shared this this unfortunate thematic topic.

What is being displaced


"Outside I could hear the bombing. Boom! Boom!"

What is onomatopoeia


This got its name because it was created to symbolize and inspire hope during the war and distract from the fear. 

What is The Joy Luck Club?


This game was the designated activity for the Joy Luck Club meetings

What is mahjong


The Joy-Luck aunties saved up money to give to Jing-Mei so she could go there to see her sisters.

What is China


Jing-Mei Woo was always put up for comparison against this character due to her great talent.

Who is Waverly Jong


"The peaks looked like giant fried fish heads trying to jump out of a vat of oil"

What is a simile.


Suyuan Woo left them on her way to safety from the war, to symbolize her loss of hope.

Who are the twins


When attending the Joy Luck Club, the members did this together before playing their traditional game as a form of sharing and hospitality.

What is eating


This character immigrated to San Francisco and started the "Joy Luck Club" with other Chinese immigrants she met at the First Chinese Baptist Church.

Who is Suyuan Woo


"You can't have luck when someone else has skill"

The Joy Luck members began investing money in this so that they coud all win and lose equally. 

What are stocks


Figures such as Bobby Fischer, Shirley Temple, and the Ed Sullivan Show are examples of this device

What is allusion


Jing-Mei was taught that this symbolized beginnings; It is where the sun rises and the wind comes from; It is also where her mother sat at the Joy-Luck table.

What is East


Suyuan Woo planned on cooking this for the Joy Luck Club to show off, as it was customary to bring dishes to share.

What is Black Sesame Soup


The original Joy Luck Club was started here

What is Kweilin


Jing-Mei felt this way about going back to tell her sisters about their mother, as she felt disconnected from her Chinese roots.

What is doubtful


When Lindo says, "And after that she confined me to the bed so that her grandchildren's seeds would not spill out easily" which meant not to risk a miscarriage is an example of this device.

What is a hyperbole


The Joy-Luck mothers write out a check for Jing-Mei to go see her long lost half sisters in China, showing this to her passed mother.

What is loyalty


Suyuan taught Jin-Mei that everybody was made up of five of these.

What are elements


This American City where the women immigrated and raised their daughters.

What is San Francisco


Ying-Ying St. Clair's husband "saved her from a horrible situation", Harold insists that Lena pay for an exterminator to get rid of the fleas, since it's her cat, and Waverly Jong saw a quote from Bobby Fischer which said, "There will never be a woman grand master." All of these are evidence of this thematic topic.

What is sexism


Lena began to see terrible things, "I saw devils dancing..."; "I saw that lightning had eyes..."; I saw a beetle wearing..." which is an example of this device. 

What is anaphora


There is a small tablet of red jade, the red script and whipped cream frosting, and of course, the red candle are all symbolic of this

What is luck


Waverly's mother always made disparaging remarks about her own cooking; The family was to eat some and proclaim it the best she had ever made this was indicative of a compliment.

What is the Chinese cook's custom


Suyuan Woo commented that she was without wood and yet, her own Popo had told her that her mother was a ghost and name should not be spoken aloud.

Who is An-mei Hsu