RL 10.4 Determine the meaning of words
RL 10.2 Theme
RL 10.3 Complex Character development
RL 10.1 Citing Textual evidence
Testing Vocab

27. Read this sentence from paragraph 2. 

Such a pitiful beginning it was for their married life; they loved each other so, and they could not have the briefest respite! 

What does the word respite mean as it is used in this sentence?

A. A break from everyday worries


State the definition of the word "emerge."

To come into view to become apparent


Read this sentence from paragraph 2.

They had opened their hearts, like flowers to the springtime, and the merciless winter had fallen upon them. 

How does the author use figurative language in the sentence to contribute to the meaning of the passage?

D. To contrast the expectations of the couple with the reality they experience


State the definition of "refine."

To make an idea theory or method more accurate


29. Read this sentence from paragraph 3. 

All that day he stood at his lard machine, rocking unsteadily, his eyes closing in spite of him; and he all but lost his place even so, for the foreman booted him twice to waken him. 

What does the phrase his eyes closing in spite of him mean?

C.  It shows his efforts to fight exhaustion.


33. What detail from the passage supports the idea that life for Jurgis and Ona might improve?

C. “They had opened their hearts, like flowers to the springtime, and the merciless winter had fallen upon them.” (paragraph 2)


State the definition of the word "inference."

a conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or evidence.


32. Read this sentence from paragraph 3.

 Over them, relentless and savage, there cracked the lash of want; the morning after the wedding it sought them as they slept, and drove them out before daybreak to work. 

How does the figurative language in this sentence help the reader understand the reality the characters face in the excerpt?

A. It reveals the couple’s lack of control over their environment.


31. Based on paragraph 4, what can the reader infer about Jurgis?

A. Jurgis overcame his true nature because of his love for Ona.


Define the word "sufficient."

enough; adequate.


30. Which detail from the passage best supports the theme that personal relationships suffer from hardships?

B. “They were shaken to the depths of them, with the awe of love realized—and was it so very weak of them that they cried out for a little peace?” (paragraph 2)


34. Select two ways the author advances the plot through the development of Jurgis’s character.

A. Jurgis becomes fearful because of the financial struggles, which causes him to fear losing Ona as well.

C. Jurgis becomes aware of the dangers within and around him, which causes him angrily to suspect all except Ona.


35. Which detail from the passage supports the idea that Ona is a much different person than Jurgis perceives?

B “Ona was scarcely able to stand with exhaustion; but if she were to lose her place they would be ruined, and she would surely lose it if she were not on time that day.” (paragraph 3)


State the definition of "Rhetoric."

the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.