Figurative Language
What's Happening?
Name That Theme
The teks told Spaz, Ryter, and Little Face to do this, or pay respects, to Mongo the Magnificent's hologram.
What is homage?
Latchboss who looses control of his latch by looping.
Who is Mongo the Magnificent?
“The first thing we notice is the horizon is on fire. It looks like the sun melted, and everything along the edge of the world went up in flames.”
What is simile?
When Spaz, Ryter, and Little Face are first brought to see Mongo, they are actually looking at this.
What is a hologram?
“Superiority has been bred into you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, and into every chromosome between. And yet still you come to the latches, first to experience adventure, and then to help. Which proves my initial impression, that you have a good heart, despite your breeding.”
What is impact of genetic engineering?
The creatures Spaz and the others encountered in the land on fire were savage and fierce. (synonym)
What is ferocious?
This character doesn't believe the latches are "real."
Who is Lanaya?
"He's a fierce, powerful-looking latchboss with bright, blazing eyes, huge muscular arms, shoulder-length hair the color of midnight."
What is metaphor?
This place is covered in mines and off-limits, even to proovs.
What is the Forbidden Zone?
“The old gummy’s right -- something is wrong. The Monkey Boys don’t look like animals and act like animals -- they’ve become animals.”
What is the importance of rules in society?
Lotti Gett's walked, or this, to let others know she was all powerful.
What is saunter?
These characters are band of boys who have become animals in the absence of a leader.
Who are the Monkey Boys?
“I think the Pipe has moods like a living thing. Noisy moods, quiet moods, dark moods. Sometimes it feels real and peaceful and soothing, like the Pipe wants to keep us safe.”
What is personification?
Spaz describes the result of this as worse than being cancelled.
What is looping?
“All that’s survived of his poetry is that one line. But even that one line is a kind of literary immortality.”
What is the importance of memory?
The Monkey Boys did this, becoming like wild animals, without leadership from Mongo.
What is degenerated?
Know as the White Widow or Nails, this character is in charge of Spaz's old Latch.
Who is Lotti Getts?
“As Lanaya listens, the ice in her eyes melts and for a moment she almost looks like a normal.”
What is metaphor?
This is where Vida Bleek says probes come from.
What is Eden?
“He wears the proof of his wealth like some men wear body armor, and he keeps patting his wonderfully plump belly as if to make sure he’s well-protected by his layer of hard-earned blubber.”
What is social class?
Because Little Face is grew up alone in the world, without a mother or father to teach him how to me human, he can be described as this.
What is feral?
The boss of the underworld traders, this character is Lotti Gett's arch rival.
Who is Vida Bleek?
"That's my point silly. Because you're not a nobody. You're important enough to attract the attention of all those powerful people: Billy Bizmo, Lotti Getts, Vida Bleek. Why is that?"
What is foreshadowing?
According to Ryter, this cannot be created through genetic engineering.
What is goodness?
“Lying on the bed-throne is a shriveled, starving creature soaked in his own filth. Most of his hair has fallen out an lies in a fuzzy pile around his head. His teeth are gone, and his eyes are milky blind.”
What is the impact of technology?