Zeta 1's real name
What is Petra
the book that helped Javier remember who he was
what is Dreamers
Is 380 years away from Earth
what is Sagan
One of the monitors who watched Petra and made sure Petra was safe
what is Ben
What is the name of Petra's younger brother
What is Javier
The relic that reminded Petra about her mom
What is the Wedding ring
Where Petra and her family live
what is Mexico
What is the Collective
Zeta 2's real name
what is Suma
The relic that made Petra remember her dad and reminded Petra about a lot of good memories with her dad
What is the Rosary necklace
An object on Sagan that could kill you if you made contact with it
what is Sagan's deadliest plant
The person who told Petra lots of stories
what is Lita
What is the name of the chancellor's kid
What is Voxy
The relic that helped Suma remember who she was
What is Suma's Baby book
The animal that glows in the water on Sagan
What is Water Butterflies
The name of the turtle Petra and her family owned
what is Rapido
What is the name of the chancellor on the ship
What is Nyla
The relic that Lita gave Petra to remember her by
What is the Obsidian pendant
The comet that hit Earth and killed billions of people
What is Halley's comet
The animal that Petra thinks the ship looks like
what is a Praying Mantis