French-English Relations
French- English 2
Foreign Policy
Autonomy and other stuff
The Canadian government repatriated this from Britain. It was originally a British Act of Parliament.
What is the Constitution?
This Liberal leader's policies challenged the traditional conventions of Quebec.
Who is Jean Lesage?
This policy was introduced in the wake of the energy crises of the 1970s.
What is the NEP (National Energy Program)?
Under Pearson, this percentage of GDP was made Canada's goal for foreign aid contributions?
What is 0,7 percent?
An act passed in 1947, gave Canadians this. Previously, Canadians were simply British subjects.
What is Canadian citizenship?
This political party was founded by the charismatic Rene Levesque.
What is the Parti Quebecois?
The energy industry, most notably electric companies, was nationalized under this name by the Liberal government of Quebec.
What is Hydro Quebec?
With Can-AM relations fractured, the Trudeau government adopted this policy as an alternative in order to reduce Canada's vulnerability to American influence. He did this by seeking closer links elsewhere.
What is the Third Option?
Canada was a founding member of this organization in 1949. All members committed to defend each other in case of attack.
What is NATO?
In 1952, Vincent Massey became the first person to become this.
What is Canadian-born Governor General?
This French leader declared "Vive le Quebec Libre". It gave the independence movement further credibility, but angered the federal government.
Who is Charles De Gaulle?
Before the Quiet Revolution, the areas of health and education were controlled by this institution.
What is the Catholic Church?
This agency was established by Pierre Trudeau in 1973 to ensure that the foreign acquisition and establishment of businesses in Canada was beneficial to the country.
What is FIRA (Foreign Investment Review Agency)?
This organization brought the air defence of the US and Canada under a fully integrated joint command.
What is NORAD?
In 1949, this became the final court of appeal for Canadians. Not the British Privy Council.
What is the Supreme Court of Canada?
This law gives English and French equal status in the government of Canada.
What is the Official Languages Act?
The "NO' side in the referendum of 1980 was led by which political party in Quebec.
What is the Liberal Party?
The Trudeau government introduced a motion in Parliament in January 1973 condemning the prolongation of this war.
What is the Vietnam War?
Canada sent 27 000 soldiers to help defend this country from a communist invasion.
What is South Korea?
More French Canadians should be employed by the federal government. Which commission made this recommendation?
What is the Bi and Bi Commission?
This bill is also known as the Charter of the French Language. It stated that the language of instruction from kindergarten to secondary school is French, with only one exception that a parent went to an English secondary school.
What is Bill 101?
This concept advocated for the achievement of sovereignty for the Quebec state, but also the creation of a political and economic association between this new independent state and Canada.
What is sovereignty-association?
This agreement was strongly opposed by the Liberals and NDP. Both parties objected that the agreement would erode Canadian sovereignty.
What is the Free Trade Agreement?
Lester B. Pearson proposed the UNEF to help end this international crisis. 6000 Canadians were sent to help keep the peace.
What is the Suez Crisis?
Until recently, Canada has participated in this activity more than any other country.
What is peacekeeping?