This is part of the craving that includes your mental state, inability to stop thinking about using and is recurrent and persistent.
Answer in one word
Correct answer 500
If Stolen 1000
This is the set up that involves poor diet lack of exercise and poor stress management
Physical set ups
Correct Answer 1000
If Stolen 500
This is the trigger event that involves addictive reasoning and imagining you are there. don't repress these, share them.
Thinking triggers
Correct answer 1000
If stolen 1500
Which famous ancient leader established January 1st as the first day of the year?
Julius Caesar
Right answer 1000
Wrong answer 1000 to the other team
This is part of the craving that includes your emotional state, results in strong irrational urge to use and thinking with emotion
Answer in one word
Correct answer 600
If Stolen 1000
This is a psychological set up that involves exaggerated pleasurable memories of use and blocking out or repressing bad memories. Hint we had this question earlier in 2024
Euphoric recall
Correct answer 800
If Stolen 1600
These are the types of triggers that stem from sensory cues and also involve emotions such as anxiety and anger
feeling triggers
Correct answer 600
If stolen 1200
If you want to see the world in the coming year, what should you carry around the block with you?
An empty suitcase as it symbolizes a year filled with travel in many cultures, particularly in Colombia where people practice this tradition on New Year's Eve.
Correct answer 2000
Wrong answer 1000 to the other team
This is the part of the craving that is caused by brain chemistry imbalances, never totally goes away and returns when recovery is neglected.
physical craving
Correct answer 900
If stolen 1500
This is part of the set up behaviors that involves exaggerating pain and discomfort in sobriety and blocking out comfort and pleasure and satisfaction of sobriety
awfulizing sobriety
Correct answer 900
If stolen 1200
These are the types of triggers that involve drug seeking behaviors such as going to bars talking to dealers
Correct answer 900
If stolen 1500
Eggs, whether given as gifts or eaten on New Year’s, are a symbol of what?
Eggs, when given as gifts or eaten on New Year's, are generally considered a symbol of fertility, new beginnings, and prosperity due to their association with new life hatching from the shell; this symbolism is particularly prevalent in many cultures around the world, including the practice of giving eggs as gifts during the New Year to signify a fruitful year ahead.
Right answer 2100
Wrong answer 2100 to the other team
What is the "ritual stage" of addiction
The "ritual stage" of addiction refers to the specific set of behaviors or actions an addict performs to prepare themselves for using their substance of choice, essentially acting as a mental and physical countdown leading up to the actual act of using; For example, an alcoholic may always go to the same liquor store and stock up on a week's worth of alcohol before going on a binge while a heroin addict may follow a specific procedure before shooting up.
Correct answer 1600
If stolen 2000
This is part of the set up behaviors that involve the belief that alcohol or drugs are still a positive option and that the drug will work for me again.
positive expectancy
Correct answer 1600
If stolen 2000
these are the types of triggers that involve being around drug using friends even when they are not using, being in stressful relationships and being where you can touch feel or smell drugs or alcohol
Relational or interaction triggers
Correct answer 1600
If stolen 2000
On which day do many people give up on their New Year’s resolutions?
The second Friday in January, informally known as Quitters Day
Right answer 1600
Wrong answer 2000 to the other team
This is the part of the craving where we should start to use healthy coping skills.
Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team
at the very beginning / the obsession phase /as soon as possible
Correct answer 1500
Incorrect 500 to the other team
This is a set up behavior that involves lack of communication and isolation
Solitude, also known as social withdrawal, is a state of seclusion or isolation, meaning lack of socialisation.
Correct answer 1000
If stolen 2000
These are the things that that help us with triggers when they occur. Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team.
Healthy coping skills
Correct answer 1500
Incorrect answer 500 to the other team
What 1972 disaster movie takes place on New Year’s Eve?
The Poseidon Adventure
Right Answer 2000
Wrong Answer 2500 to the other team