What animal did Jesus ask 2 of his disciples to go get for him for his return to Jerusalem?
A donkey
What did Jesus show the disciples how to do for the first time at passover that we do every Sunday?
Take the Sacrament
What on the dinner table did Jesus tell his disciples to eat to remember his body?
What happens to Jesus after he is betrayed?
He is crucified.
What is the new commandment Jesus gave after the last supper?
To love one another as I have loved you.
What did the people of Jerusalem do when they heard Jesus was coming?
Laid down their cloth, cut down branches and rejoiced shouting Hosanna
What did the disciples do after Jesus prayed for them at passover?
While eating passover who did Jesus say would betray him?
Who would deny knowing Jesus?
Why is the Eucharist so important?
It reminds us of Jesus' sacrifice for us and is a union with Him.
What comes at the end of Holy Week?
Why did Jesus wash the disciples feet?
To show them to love others more than themselves
Say one of our names!!!
amelia, jaymee, ascencius, caden or dwayne
What did Jesus say about the person who would betray him?
It would be better if they were never born
What should we do after Holy Communion?
Pray, seek to understand Christ and ask for forgiveness.
How many disciples did Jesus send into the city to meet a man with a pitcher of water?
What did Jesus do before breaking the bread?
He gave thanks.
Where did Jesus and his disciples go after they ate the passover meal?
Mount of Olives
How many times did Jesus say Peter would deny knowing him?
Name one other commandment.