Pogroms: Why&What
Response to Attacks
The instability of this upheaval in the economy contributed to to anti-Semitism.
What is the Industrial Revolution?
This is the definition of "pogrom".
What is a government sponsored or supported riot and attack on a minority, especially Jews?
These were the two basic responses in the pogroms and growing poverty.
What were leaving (migration) or staying and trying to make things better?
This is the definition of nationalism.
What is the belief that a “people”, sharing things like language, culture, history, possibly religion, & “race”, should be the basis for a nation?
These were the names of the first two waves of immigration to Palestine (Eretz Israel).
What were the First Aliyah and the Second Aliyah?
This was why nationalism could contribute to anti-Semitism.
What was the tendency to think your "people" or nation was superior to another group?
This was the spark that set of the pogroms.
What was the assassination of Alexander II?
A small but passionate percentage of Jews decided to immigrate to this place and consequently focused on this language.
What is Palestine (Eretz Israel) and Hebrew?
This well known Jew was influenced by this notorious incident to found Zionism.
Who was Theodore Herzl and what was the Dreyfus Affair?
This was the (Hebrew) name for the group of settlements created by the European immigrants to Palestine.
What was the Yishuv?
Old, medieval prejudice against Jews suggested that Jews were these things (name all three).
What were killers, usurers, and outsiders?
These were the two Russian czars who supported the pogroms.
Who were Alexander III and Nicholas II?
Those who decided to stay in Russia often were attracted to this political philosophy, hoping to make things better.
What is socialism?
This was the reaction of Jews in western Europe to the book, the Jewish State (Judenstaat) and to Zionism and the reason for this reaction.
What was rejection or criticism of Zionism because they were focused on being patriotic citizens of countries like England, France, and Germany?
This was the name of the man most responsible for the revival of Hebrew as a modern language and an example of how he did this.
Who was Eliezer Ben-Yehudah and what was his creation of new Hebrew words for modern things like trains OR raising his own son to speak Hebrew as his first language?
This is why "scientific" racism was so threatening to Jews.
What is the belief that "inferior" races were a biological threat to "superior" races and that race could not be changed? (which eventually led Nazis to argue for the killing of "inferior" people).
This was a piece of forged, anti-Semitic propaganda, now known to have been produced by what country?
What was the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, produced in Russia?
One was a well known writer in the modern Hebrew tradition and the other a well known writer in the Yiddish tradition.
Who were Chaim Bialik and Sholom Aleichem?
He was an earlier Jewish nationalist who believed Jews needed their own nation for this reason.
Who was Leon Pinsker who believed that Jews needed a nation of their own for their self-protection?
These were some of the accomplishments of the Jewish settlement in Palestine by 1914 (name at least three).
What were 40 agricultural settlements, a population grown to about 60,000 (10% of population), the founding of Tel Aviv, the rebirth of Hebrew?
One consequence of anti-Semitism was the Dreyfus Affair. This was another consequences and two ways that this consequence was demonstrated.
What was Jewish self-doubt, revealed by Jewish men going to gyms and joining dueling clubs?
These are examples of how Russian peasants and Jews were negatively affected by the worsening economy (at least two).
What was loss of work to factories, fewer farmers needed due to new agricultural methods, local markets suffering as railroads carried goods to big cities, loss of business for Jewish peddlers and innkeepers?
Aside from the answer to Responses to Attacks 200, these were other destinations of Jews who chose to migrate from eastern Europe. (Name at least four)
What were western Europe, the United States, South Africa, Argentina, and Canada?
This was the name of the followers of an early Jewish nationalist (not Zionist) and the main countries that they came from (name at least two countries).
What is the Hovevei Tzion, made up mainly of people from Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Romania?
This was the Russian Jewish writer who helped shape ideas of what a new Jewish state should be like, why it was important, and what dangers it might face. (at least two of these three ideas)
Who was Achad Ha'am (Asher Ginsberg) who felt a state should be secular, was important because it would bring life to the Diaspora, and worried about the hatred of Arabs living in Palestine?