Le Guin's birthplace
Berkley, California
Protagonist of the novel
George Orr
Setting of the novel (Place and Time
Portland, Oregon; 2002
Theme that Orr's dreams introduce
Shifting versions of reality
Founded the analytic psychology movement
Carl Jung
Le Guin died in...
Dream specialist; arrogant and overbearing
Dr. Haber
The reason Orr is afraid to dream
Orr has "effective dreams" that change reality
Mannie and Heather develop this theme
Love and friendship
Viewed dreams as expressions of unfilled wishes
Sigmund Freud
Le Guin's Master of Arts (M.A.) degree is in...
Renaissance French and Italian language and literature
Orr dreams her to be his wife
Heather Lelache
Orr initially meets with Heather Lelache because...
He believes that Haber is using him and his dream ability in an unscrupulous way
Heather Lelache's story and Orr turning everyone grey
Racism and Xenophobia
Good actions create the most happiness
Other "emblematic" novels (there are 3)
Left Hand of Darkness, Always Coming Home, and Lavinia
Helps Orr at the beginning of the novel when he is sleep-deprived and on drugs; elevator guard
Mannie Ahrens
Haber becomes the super villain of the story when...
He uses the Augmentor to have an effective dream that melts the world
The problems created by Dr. Haber's use of the Augmentor
People and technology
Glorifies logic and rationality
Le Guin's first name
Name of the alien who owns the antique store from which Orr gets the Beetle's album "With a Little Help From My Friends"
Tiua'k Ennbe Ennbe
Orr's job at the end of the novel
Designing kitchen appliances
Dr. Haber's manipulation of George Orr's dreams
Problems with Dominance and Control
The conflict between Orr and Haber symbolizes the conflict between these two idealogies
Eastern philosophy (Orr) and Western philosophy (Haber)