Story Questions
What does Pythias do before he is thrown into jail?
A. He ignores the king's laws. B. He turns people against the king C. He speaks against the king's laws.
An honorable man like Pythias would never let a friend die for him. Honorable means:
A. proud and strong B. honest and fair C. clever and sneaky
How do the characters in this selection show friendship?
A. They say they care B. They don't care about each other C. Damon stayed in prison so Pythias could take care of his family. Pythias returned to the city to be killed to save his friend.
Select the sentence that's missing in this sequence: 1. A soldier overheard Pythias complaining about the new law 2. ? 3. The king is angry with Pythias.
A. The soldier arrested Pythias. B. The soldier was friends with Pythias. C. The king asked Pythias to help the city.
Who said, "You make me very curious, Damon, so curious that I'm willing to put you and Pythias to the test. This exchange of prisoners will be made. But, Pythias must be back two weeks from today at noon.
A. Narrator B. Pythias C. Damon D. the king
Who comes to visit Pythias in jail?
A. a soldier B. a friend C. his mother
A traitor is someone who:
A. betrays someone or something B. believes in someone or something C. doesn't care
Why were the friends able to stay so loyal to each other?
A. They trusted each other. They knew the other was an honorable person. B. Their parents told them to. C. They had to.
After step 3 then 4. The king throws Pythias in jail and sentences him to die. 5. ? What happens in step 5?
A. Damon went to see Pythias in prison. B. Damon went on an adventure. C. Damon went to find his family.
Who said, "Your Majesty! I beg of you! Let Pythias go home for a few days to bid farewell to his mother and sister."
A. the king B. Pythias C. Damon
When Damon is led into the square, the crowd is angry with
A. the king B. Damon C. Pythias
A rebel is:
A. someone who goes against something B. someone who believes in something C. a person
What character sacrificed his freedom for the other?
A. the mother B. Pythias C. Damon
Next, ____________ offered to take the place of Pythias in prison.
A. Damon B. the king C. his mother
Who said, "I'm worried about what will happen to my mother and my sister when I'm gone."
A. Damon B. the narrator C. Pythias
In all, how long was Pythias gone?
A. one week B. two weeks C. three weeks
A tyrant is:
A. an absolute ruler B. a man C. an absolute person
Who took their friend's place in jail?
A. Damon took Pythias's place in jail so Pythias could see his family. B. Pythias took Damon's place in jail. C. Neither person did
________ agrees to let Damon stay in place of Pythias.
A. the narrator B. the queen C. the king
Who said, "Long, long ago there lived on the island of Sicily two young men named Damon and Pythias."
A. the king B. mother C. the narrator
Why did the King set them both free?
A. He felt sorry for them. B. He didn't want them to be mad. C. He never saw such true friendship. He knew it would be wrong to kill such an honorable person
Another synonym for appointed is:
A. chosen B. appalled C. appearance
Why did the king set both Damon and Pythias free?
A. He had to B. The people told him to C. The king could not kill anyone who had shown true friendship
Fill in the missing section 1. The king visits Damon to mock him because Pythias has not returned. 2. ? 3. Pythias leaves his family to return and save Damon's life.
A. Damon loses faith in his family. B. Damon loses faith in Pythias. C. Damon does not lose faith in his friend.
Who said, "Set them free! Set them both free!"
A. mother B. the narrator C. crowd voices