What is the name of the legend?
What is the name of the place?
Virgin of the bread roll
What female spirit appears crying for her children in the streets of Quito?
The crying woman
What material was key for Cantuña to deceive the devil?
A missing stone in the church
Who is she?
The covered lady
In which church in Quito is the legend of Cantuña found?
Church of San Francisco
What is the name of the character who appears at night inviting drunks to drink more?
The rooster of the cathedral
Why is it said that the Virgin of Panecillo has wings in her sculpture?
Represents the Virgin of the Apocalypse
Which religious figure was famous for his nocturnal escapes from his convent?
Father Almeida
What is the name of the colonial street in Quito where many legends are told?
What legendary creature from Quito is a giant snake that lived in Panecillo?
The snake of bread roll
What punishment is said to have been received by the builders of the Quito Cathedral who kept part of the gold? 🗽
They were turned into stone statues
What is the name of the indigenous figure who fought against the Spanish and whose spirit is said to still roam Quito?
Where is it said that the devil left his mark after being tricked by Cantuña?🛕
In the atrium of the church of San Francisco
What creature from Ecuadorian mythology is said to be a giant bird of ill omen?
In which church is Father Almeida's tomb located?
Church of San Diego