BignTallMatts favorite Color
What is green
This does not belong on pizza
What is pineapple
What is Boston
The most "Winningest" Call of Duty player of all time
What is Crimsix
Name the first three original starter Pokémon
What is Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle
(Does not have to be in any order)
The person who Matt 8
What is i8_Santa
Who is no stranger to love?
What is Rick Astley
The Legions Ex Deputy
What is JJBlazt
The "Hoodie" Org
This online game, you play as a “champion” and try to destroy an opposing team’s nexus
What is League of Legends
What is 6'7
Who is Joe?
What is JOE MAMA
The Shortest member/s of Valkyrie.
What is Tat ,Angel, and Lunar
(No order)
The Esports organization that Shroud played for while competing in CSGO
What is Cloud9
Blizzard Entertainments most well known video game franchise
What is World of Warcraft
BignTallMatts Favorite Tv/Movie character of all time
What is Ashoka Tano
What Jimmy-Kun won't finish?
The person in the left window of the animal crossing content house post.
Who is Nate or Boston
The Owner of Envy Gaming
What is Mike Rufail
What video game franchise does Rooster Teeth use for their show “Red vs. Blue"
What is Halo
BignTallMatts middle name
What is Preston
An orange and blue snack. He clean. He soften. He send you to a coffin.
What is Tide Pods
The most viewed video on the Valkyrie YouTube
What is The Valkast with T4TIANA
The organization and players that won COD Champs 2017 at Orlando, Florida
What is Optic Gaming, Crimsix, Formal, Karma, Scump
(Does not have to be in any order)
What is Psyonix