
Which of Evan's friends is nice to Jessie?

A) Paul

B) Scott

C) Jeff

A) Paul


Which of Evan's friends is a real jerk?

A) Paul

B) Scott

C) Jacob

B) Scott Spencer


How much money did they have to earn to win the lemonade war?

A) $200

B) $100

C) $104.11

B) $100


What was the secret "vow" Evan and Jessie made?

A) Always have dinner together

B) Never talk about dad

C) Don't fight in front of mom

C) Don't fight in front of mom


What is the mean nickname Evan has for Jessie?

A) Bessie

B) Juicy

C) Jamal

B) Juicy


What are Megan and Jessie planning on doing with their lemonade money?

A) Keeping it

B) Buying an iPod

C) Giving it to Charity

C) Give to charity


What did the girls say the WHJ clue stood for?

A) What Happened to Jolina?

B) We Have Jell-o

C) Wild Hot Jellybeans

C) Wild Hot Jellybeans


What was wrong with Evan and Scott's first lemonade sign?

A) The writing was too small

B) "Lemonade" was spelled wrong

C) Both A & B

C) Both A & B


What grade will Evan and Jessie be in when school starts?

A) 3rd Grade

B) 4th Grade

C) 2nd Grade

B) 4th Grade


Finish the quote: "I don't play to win, I play to......"

A) Beat you!

B) Pulverize!

C) Take all!

B) "Pulverize!"


Where did Megan and Jessie go after Jessie sabotaged Evan's lemonade?

A) to town

B) the beach

C) the circus

B) the beach


What did the WHJ club really stand for?

A) Wild Hot Jellybeans

B) We Hate Jessie

C) We Have Jelly

B) We Hate Jessie


Who paid $5 for a cup of lemonade from Evan?

A) Officer Ken

B) The neighbor with 3 kids

C) Mrs. Treski

A) Officer Ken


What grade was Jessie in last year?

A) 2nd Grade

B) 3rd Grade

C) 4th Grade

A) 2nd Grade


Why does Jessie have so much money?

A) She charged customers double for lemonade

B) She used the $10 she got for her birthday

C) Megan gave her her half of the money

C) Megan gave Jessie her money


What did Megan give Jessie?

A) her lemonade stand money

B) a card with nice comments on it

C) both A & B

D) a friendship bracelet

C) both A&B


Who was the girl at Megan's house who did not want to make a lemonade stand?

A) Scott

B) Carol

C) Carly

C) Carly


How did Jessie and Megan "add value" to their lemonade stand?

A) They made signs with lots of colors

B) They had snacks

C) They only charged $0.10 per cup of lemonade

D) All the above

E) Only A & B

E) Only A & B


Where are the Treski's going at night at the end of the summer?

A) to the beach

B) to see fireworks

C) to go camping

B) To see fireworks


What does Jessie do to Evan's lemonade?

A) Dumps fruit flies in it

B) Puts dirt in it

C) All the above

C) All the above


Who does Evan have a crush on?

A) Megan Moriarty

B) Susie Jacobs

C) Alexa Michaels

A) Megan Moriatry


What grade was Jessie in when the girls started the WHJ club?

A) 2nd Grade

B) 3rd Grade

C) 4th Grade

2nd Grade


What does Evan want to buy with his lemonade money?

A) Donate to charity

B) an iPod

C) an iPad

B) an iPod


What book does Jessie like to read?

A) Charlotte's Web

B) The Little Red Hen

C) Cinderella

A) Charlotte's Web


What happens to Megan and Jessie's money?

A) Evan steals it

B) Scott steals it

C) Both A & B

C) Both A & B