D for Dog
N for Numbers
Hint: Girl classmate in the younger group
E for Ella
B for Blue
What word can you find in this song that starts with the letter P
P for Panda
M for Marker
Hint: Girl classmate in the older group
B for Brooke
R for Red
What word can you find in this song that starts with the letter B?
F for Fox
F for Football
Hint: Boy classmate in the younger group
M for Milan
B for Black
What word can you find in this song that starts with the letter D?
Dinosaur or Door
E for Elephant
N for Nose
Hint: Girl classmate in the younger group
E for Emma
P for Pink
What word can you find in this song that starts with the letter M?
M for Moose
D for Drum
Hint: The music therapist's name
R for Riley
P for Purple
What word can you find in this song that starts with the letter R?