The Nightmare of Big Brother
The Shadow of Crony Capitalism
The Ghost of Foreign Entanglements
The Haunted Battle for Free Speech
The Right to Bear Arms in a Spooky World

This surveillance program, revealed by Edward Snowden, allows the government to collect bulk data on phone and internet communications.

What is PRISM?


This practice allows large corporations to cozy up to government officials and gain special favors, often through lobbying and donations.

What is corporate cronyism?


These ongoing wars, justified as "defending democracy abroad", continue to haunt the U.S. with high costs and unclear goals.

What are endless wars?

This landmark SCOTUS case ruled that government cannot restrict speech just because it offends, establishing a vital protection for free expression.

What is Texas v. Johnson?


This terrifying assault on gun rights was a federal law passed in 1994, banning so-called "assault weapons" for ten years, much to the horror of those who defend the 2nd Amendment.

What is the Federal Assault Weapons Ban?


This chilling provision of the Patriot Act allows for roving wiretaps, meaning the government can follow a person across multiple communication devices.

What is Section 206?


This 2008 bailout package, signed by President Bush, handed billions of dollars to failing banks.

What is TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program)?

This haunting policy allows the U.S. government to provide military support to foreign dictatorships, raising concerns about moral and fiscal responsibility

What is foreign military aid?


This ghostly law, enacted in the early 20th century, criminalized dissent of the government during wartime, sparking fears of free speech suppression.

What is the Sedition Act of 1918?


Like a ghostly restriction on liberty, Chicago's ban on handguns was struck down in this major 2010 Supreme Court case, affirming the right to own a firearm in the home.

What is McDonald v. Chicago?


This bill, often labeled Patriot Act 2.0, was signed into law in 2015, continuing bulk data collection by the NSA.

What is the USA Freedom Act?


This policy, a form of cronyism, allows the government to grant exclusive rights to certain companies in exchange for political contributions.

What is corporate welfare?

This shadowy military strategy involves using unmanned aircraft to carry out targeted killings that oftentimes have collateral damage.

What are drone strikes?


Like a creeping shadow, this blatantly unconstitutional policy is used by colleges to restrict speech that they deem harmful to a limited area of campus, often away from foot traffic.

What are free speech zones?


Gun rights advocates continue to be haunted by these tyrannical laws, which allow law enforcement to seize firearms from individuals without a warrant or due process.

What are red flag laws?


This government program continues to haunt us by collecting millions of facial images through airport screenings and driver's license databases.

What is facial recognition surveillance.


This organization, created during the Great Depression, continues to funnel billions to large agribusinesses under the guise of helping struggling farmers.

What is the United States Department of Agriculture?


These foreign conflicts where the U.S. intervenes in regime changes are ghosts from the Cold War that still linger today.

What is military intervention?


Governments continue to haunt social media companies into censoring content, leading to debates over free speech in the digital age, through this policy.

What is Big Tech censorship?


This Supreme Court case is celebrated by gun rights activists for striking down a Washington D.C. handgun ban and affirming the individual right to bear arms.

What is District of Columbia v. Heller?


This federal law, first passed in 1978, allows secretive courts to authorize surveillance on U.S. citizens, oftentimes without a warrant.

What is FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act)?


This landmark SCOTUS decision ruled that corporations and unions could spend unlimited money on political campaigns.

What is Citizens United v. FEC?


This infamous Cold War policy led to covert operations and proxy wars across the globe, sparking fears of unchecked foreign interference.

What is the Truman Doctrine?


This chilling ruling from the 1919 Supreme Court decision introduced the "clear and present danger" test, which justified restrictions on speech during wartime.

What is Schenck v. United States?


This haunting legislation requires background checks for all firearm purchases and was passed in the wake of an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan.

What is the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act?