Systematic Reviews
Literature Searching
This a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. The United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health maintains the database
What is Pubmed
This is the main database you go to find systematic reviews
What is the Cochrane Library
A clear question
What is the first step in doing a literature search
These are the main services available through TOH Library
What are literature searching and requesting articles
This is an academic version of a popular online search engine used to locate resources from academic publishers, universities and other academically reliable sources.
What is "Google Scholar?"
This is the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus. It consists of sets of terms naming descriptors in a hierarchical structure that permits searching at various levels of specificity. What is MeSH
What is MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)
A type of search that looks for matching documents that contain one or more words specified by the user.
What is keyword searching
This is the place to go to get access to electronic journals
What is the University of Ottawa library
This is how many databases you should search to for a thorough literature review
What is more than one?
This is a user-friendly search tool in PubMed that allows clinicians to quickly and easily search for relevant clinical literature on etiology, prognosis, diagnosis and therapy of diseases and diagnostics
What is Clinical Queries
A resource that analyses or discusses first hand information.
What is "A Secondary Source?"
This following unsuccessful search strategy is: The affect of divorce and alcohol abuse on anorexic children who are victims of bullying in kindergarten and high school.
What is "too narrow"?
This is an anesthesiology reference tool, merging a collection of medical resources with exclusive procedural videos, customizable curriculum functionality, and powerful search functions, along with tables and charts designed for quick reference.
What is AccessAnesthesiology
This database covers the whole world's biomedical literature whilst concentrating in particular on European sources. The emphasis of the database in on the pharmacological effects of drugs and chemicals.
What is Embase?
This page in Pubmed includes a feature to search by individual fields
What is the Advanced Search page
A film review being used in an article examining the art of the film review.
What is "a Primary Source?"
The following search strategy is unsuccessful because it brings back "too much" information: "Obesity in America"
What is "too broad"?
This involves a brief portion of an author's work in your own words. It also requires an in text citation and a reference on a Works Cited page.
What is "a paraphrase?"
This type of search was developed by the 19th century mathematician and enables researchers to combine words using the operators AND, OR, NOT to limit, broaden, or define their search results.
What is a "Boolean Searching?"
This section allows you to see how PubMed interprets your search terms.
What is Search Details
A film review being used in a research paper to analyze a film.
What is "a secondary source?"
This web site evaluation criteria measures whether the site is subjective or objective, prejudicial or impartial.
What is Bias?"
This involves putting the "main overall idea" of an author's work into your own words providing a broad overview of the author's work. This also requires an in-text citation and a reference on a Works Cited page.
What is "a Summary?"
This is an online search tool located in the middle of the Library home page that lets you locate books and articles from multiple databases in the Library's collection all in one step
What is a "Discovery Search such as Encore?"