Components of a lesson plan
Student engagement
Creating a positive environment
aspects of Professionalism
assessments and checks for understanding

An overview of the goals of a lesson, and teacher and student actions that guarantee that the students achieve those goals.

what is a lesson plan 


A student’s willingness, need, desire and feeling of necessity to participate in, and be successful in, the learning process.

what is student engagement 


where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, taking risks, asking questions, and confronting challenges in their learning.

what is A positive learning environment 


The qualities, behaviors, and attitudes a person exhibits on the job

what is Professionalism 


A tool used to collect data about student understanding of learning objectives

what is an assessment 


Statements that describe what students will be expected to know and be able to do by the end of the lesson.

what are objectives 


What does Student engagement increase? 

student attention and focus


Where you are creating and nurturing the positive environment

what is The physical environment


Respecting and obeying the law, being honest and demonstrating good moral character, and being equitable and fair to all

what are Ethics 


Used following a learning sequence to determine to what extent students met the learning objectives.

what is a summative assessment 


The use of explicit teaching techniques and modeling to teach a specific skill. This is where new content is introduced.

what is direct instruction 


How does student engagement motivate students? 

to think critically and use higher order level thinking skills


how space is used and defined in a classroom and the organization of materials in the classroom. How the classroom is set-up.

what is The layout


Required training and continuing education that teachers must complete to renew a teaching certificate in the state of Texas

what is Continuing education 


Used to determine student progress during learning and Inform text Instructuonal steps for students

what is a formative assessment 


Students work with the teacher to practice and apply what they just learned during direct instruction.

what is Guided Practice 


Ensure assignments vary in their level of difficulty and provide adequate resources to guarantee they are challenging, but doable.

what is an engagement strategy 


Made up of posters bulletin boards, whiteboards, rules and procedures 

what is Wall space 


a document that summarizes an individual's skills, experience, and accomplishments, primarily used to secure employment or other opportunities

what is a resume 


Is only a snapshot of student understanding—there is not time to assess every student, so some questions or misunderstandings may be overlooked.

what is a challenge to assessments 


Structured supports offered to students by the teacher to help students attain a strong command of a new skill and/or concept.

what is scaffolding


diagrams of a classroom that show where each student will sit 

what are Seating charts 


Using active listening, "I" statements, and non verbal communication 

what is professionally handling conflict