What are the three tips to help us discern God's voice with our own?
It does not cause confusion, God is a God of Peace
It Glorifies his name/Aligns with his will
It is for the Good
"In him we have ___, the ___ of sins" -Colossians 1:14
redemption, forgiveness
Tips on How to Study the Bible. *out of 8*
1: make a schedule; be consistent
2: have a notebook
3: have a reliable source that helps break down each verse
4: pray before
5: start with 4 Gospel books
6: Open your heart
7: Be Doers of the World Not Only Hearers
8: Read in a DESOLATE place
"For me to ___ is Christ and to ___ is Gain" -Philippians 1:21
live, die
Name the 8 fruits of the spirit?
Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness Gentleness, Self-control
What is this verse? "I am the way, the truth, and the life"
John 14:6
Label and explain what each finger means from the 5-finger Gospel.
Creation (Thumbs up/Good)
The Fall (Pointer finger/Kicked out of the Garden)
The Sin (Middle finger/We all fall short of the Glory of God/No not one is righteous)
Cross (Ring finger/Jesus fulfilled the promise on the cross/sins are forgiven/redeemed)
Promise (Pinky promise/God saves us from eternal misery/Repent and Believe)
"For the Son of Man came to ___ and to ___ the lost" -Luke 19:10
seek, save
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever ______ in him shall not _____ but have ______ life" - John 3:16
Believes, perish, eternal