The day we celebrate the birth of Jesus
What is Christmas?
Mary, Joseph and Jesus escaped to this country after his birth.
What is Egypt?
These three gifts were brought to Jesus at his Birth.
What is gold, frankincense and myrrh?
The miracle Jesus performed at the wedding.
What is turned water to wine?
Jesus met a women at a well in John 4, and she was from this place.
Where is Samaria?
Jesus' earthly father
Who is Joseph?
This Roman king tried to kill Jesus soon after his birth.
Who is King Herod?
Jesus told this disciple to walk on water toward him during the storm in Matthew 14
Who is Peter?
The person Jesus raised from the dead.
Who is Lazarus?
This individual met with Jesus late at night for advice and to answer questions.
Who is Nicodemus?
Angels announced the birth of Jesus to these workers.
Who are shepherds?
Jesus' learned this trade or job from his father.
What is carpentry?
Jesus was upset when it found out the temple was being used as this.
What is temple used as marketplace/sellers?
Jesus told Simon to try this task again after they had been trying all night with no luck.
What is cast nets/fishing?
Jesus was a descendent of this Old Testament King.
Who is King David?
These men brought gifts to Jesus.
Who are the wise men?
This person baptized Jesus.
Who is John the Baptist?
Jesus was doing this while the disciples where scared during the storm.
This city was where Jesus performed his first Miracle.
This individual came to Jesus and requested his son to be healed.
Who is the Nobleman/Roman Official?
Jesus and Mary traveled to Bethlehem because of this decree.
What is taxation?
Jesus was accidentally left in the temple in Jerusalem for a few days at what age?
What is twelve?
Jesus fed the 5000 with this amount of bread and fish.
What is five loaves of bread and two fish?
Jesus healed a sick man at this pool.
What is Bethesda?
God sent this Angel to visit Mary before Jesus was born.
Who is Gabriel?