Jesus’ mom and dad’s names were…?
Matthew 1:16
Mary and Joseph
Who were fishermen that Jesus called to be fishers of men?
Matthew 4:18-19
Andrew and Peter
How many people did Jesus feed with the two fish and five loaves?
Luke 9:14
5,000 people
Before Jesus was arrested and died, where was He praying to God?
Matthew 26:36
In the garden of Gethsemane
How long was Jesus in the tomb for?
3 Days
Jesus was born in what town?
Matthew 2
Who was the disciple that used to be the tax collector?
Matthew 9:9
What was Jesus' first public miracle?
John 2:1-11
Turning water into wine
How did Judas tell the solders who Jesus was?
Luke 22:47-48
By giving Jesus a kiss on the cheek
Who saw first that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb and Jesus not in the tomb anymore?
John 20
Mary Magdalene
Who came to the shepherds to tell them about Jesus' birth?
Luke 2:9
An Angel
Who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus?
Matthew 26:14-16 KJV
What kind of animal did Jesus cast demons into so that the demons would leave a person?
Luke 89:33
How many people were hanging on the cross on the hill with Jesus?
Luke 23:32
2 other people
Which disciples asked to see the holes in Jesus' hands after he had come back to life?
John 20:24-28
Who was trying to kill Jesus?
Matthew 2:3
King Herod
Who were known as the sons of thunder?
Mark 3:17
James and John
When Jesus walked on the water, who walked on the water to Jesus, but fell through the water because of their little faith?
Matthew 14:29
Around what time did Jesus die?
Luke 23:44
3 PM or the 9th hour
How many days did Jesus stay on Earther after He had been resurrected with His disciples?
Acts 1:1-3
40 Days
Where did God tell Mary and Joseph to take Jesus so that they could escape King Herod?
Matthew 2:13
Who was the brother of Jesus?
Mark 6
Jesus healed a woman with a blood disorder. What did the woman do to get healed?
Luke 8:44
She touched Jesus' cloak
Who buried Jesus?
Matthew 27:57-60
Joseph of Arimathaea
When Jesus was leaving Earth to go back to Heaven, what did he tell his disciples to do?
Matthew 28:19-20
Make disciples in all of the nations