The Lightning Thief Chapter 1-3
The Lightning Thief Chapter 4-6
The Lightning Thief
Chapters 7-9
Significant Events
Mythological figures

The monster that Percy defeats at the entrance of Camp Halfblood?

What is the minotaur? 


This person nursed Percy after his fight with the bull-man.

Who is Annabeth?


Percy is considered this until his dad reveals himself?

What is undetermined? Cabins are organized by gods and skill, therefore until they know who Percy is , they do not know where to place him? 


This event is Percy's Call to Adventure.

Percy's life is in danger in Montauk, and he fights a Minotaur before going to Camp Half-Blood. 


The god of the sky

Who is Zeus


What happens to Mrs. Dodd's after her interaction with Percy in the museum? 

What is she vaporized after Percy stabs her with the sword.  Vaporized:  explodes, turns to dust 


What is Mr. D's real name?

Who is Dionsysus?


How does Percy feel about Gabe? 

He is a world class jerk who treats his mother horribly. He often wonders why his mother is with him.


In Chapter 3, Percy discovers the truth that his best friend Grover is half-man/half-goat, otherwise known as this...

What is a satyr?


God of the underworld. creator of the furies

Who is  Hades?


This is what Percy's "special drink" tasted like and reminded him of.

What is Percy's mom's chocolate chip cookies?


There are ______________ cabins at Camp Half Blood. How many cabins are there at Camp Half Blood?

What is 12?

Cabins are organized by gods and skills.


What is revealed after Percy was stuck with Clarisse's electric spear during Capture the Flag? 

He is Poseidon's son, so all the campers kneel in respect. 


What does Percy learn about himself after he is  injured and Annabeth makes him go into the water?  

His powers are connected to the water so it helps to heal him. 


God of the Sea and storms, earthquakes and horses

Who is Poseidon


Why does Percy feel different and out of place in his ordinary world? 

What is he gets in trouble a lot, does not have many friends and struggles because of his dyslexia and ADHD.


How does Percy feel when he arrives at Camp Half-Blood? 

Confused and overwhelmed because he could not process everything that he was seeing and did not know what was real or not.


The purpose of Percy's Quest

What is to retrieve the Master Bolt?


Why does Annabeth want to help Percy on his quest? 

She wants to prove herself as Athena's daughter.


Goddess of wisdom and warfare

Who is Athena?


How does Percy feel about Mr. Brunner? 

What is he's a good teacher who makes things fun, but at times he can be very hard on him. 


Percy is considered to be this ......

What is a half-blood? or What is a demi-god?


Building where Olympus is located?

What is the "Empire State Building"? 


Thinking in terms of The Hero's Journey, What role does Luke play in Percy's life? 

He is an ally and helper that helps him to navigate around Camp Half-Blood. 


Trainer of heroes, can read emotions and guide Percy throughout story.

Who is Chiron aka Mr.  Brunner