School "Daze"
Multiple Choice
"Lightning Thief" Lingo
Chapters 1-4...
Close Readers
A girl Percy did not get along with at Yancy Academy
Who is Nancy Bobofit?
What is special about the pen that Mr. Brunner throws to Percy? A. It writes in invisible ink B. It turns into a bronze sword C. It turns into an electric spear
What is B. It turns into a bronze sword?
Grover is a ______ from the waist down.
What is a goat?
Nancy Bobofit throws this at Grover on the bus.
What is a peanut butter and ketchup sandwich?
Another name for main idea. It is what the text is mostly about.
What is the gist?
A school for troubled kids in upstate New York; Percy's school at the opening of the novel
What is Yancy Academy?
What does Percy see at the fruit stand that scares Grover so much? A. Watermelon B. Baskets of fruit C. Three old ladies knitting socks
What is C. Three old ladies knitting socks?
Percy's mom always brought home _______ food for Percy from her work.
What is blue food?
The type of car Smelly Gabe lent Percy's mom.
What is a Camaro?
Give 3 examples of prefixes.
What is anti-, de-, dis-, fore-, pre-, re-, un-, over-, in-, im-, inter-, mis-, mid-, etc. ?
Percy's math teacher at school; revealed to be a fury
Who is Mrs. Dodds?
What does Percy say that insults Grover so much? A. He said his best friend was a donkey B. He said his best friend was half bull C. He said his best friend wasn’t human
What is A. He said his best friend was a donkey?
The person who showed up at the Montauk beach house in the middle of the night.
Who is Grover?
What did Percy's mother tell Percy that made him angry while they were at the Montauk beach house?
What is Percy's father never even saw Percy when he was born?
What 2 things do close readers use to make inferences?
What is background knowledge and details from the text?
What happens to Percy's math teacher after their fight at the museum.
What is Percy destroys/vaporizes her?
What happens to make Gabe’s car crash? A. The minotaur B. Lightning C. Wind and rain
What is B. Lightning?
A verb that describes Percy's feelings towards his father for leaving him and his mother.
What is resentful?
What mythical animal is Grover?
What is a satyr?
When a close reader "cites evidence" they are...
What is quoting details from the text to prove their answer is correct?
The final event that led to Percy's expulsion from school.
What is calling his teacher an "old sot" (making a rude remark about his teacher)?
Percy overheard a conversation that Grover and Mr. Brunner were having. What solstice deadline did the mention? A. Fall Solstice B. Winter Solstice C. Summer Solstice
What is C. Summer Solstice?
A term that means seeing something that is not really there.
What is a hallucination?
"Fates" only appear in front of you when someone is ________.
What is about to die?
Name one way we made inferences about the type of person Percy is.
What is Percy's inner thoughts and/or his challenges and responses?