Before narnia
The white witch's deeds
Aslan's sacrificies
battles and crowns
Edmund's journey

Before Lucy found the wardrobe, where __________ (she/explore)?

had she explored / Where had she explored?


By the time Lucy found Mr. Tumnus turned to stone, what __________ (the Witch/do) to him?

had the Witch done / What had the Witch done to Mr. Tumnus?


Describe what Aslan had sacrificed by the time he was resurrected.

Aslan had sacrificed his life. He allowed himself to be killed by the White Witch at the Stone Table in place of Edmund, fulfilling the Deep Magic's requirements to save Edmund from his betrayal.


How many battles had the Pevensies won in Narnia by the time they were crowned?

By the time they were crowned, the Pevensies had won one major battle, the Battle of Beruna, where they defeated the White Witch and her forces.


How had the White Witch treated Edmund before he realized his mistake?

Before he realized his mistake, the White Witch had treated Edmund with false kindness and manipulation. She promised him power and Turkish Delight to gain his loyalty but treated him harshly and imprisoned him once he had served her purpose.


Before entering Narnia, what __________ (the children/hear) about the land?

had the children heard / What had the children heard about the land?


Before capturing Edmund, who else __________ (the Witch/turn) into stone?

had the Witch turned / Who else had the Witch turned into stone?


Explain who Aslan had comforted at the Stone Table before the final battle.

Aslan had comforted Susan and Lucy at the Stone Table. They were heartbroken and frightened when Aslan willingly went to his death, and he reassured them before the sacrifice.


What strategic moves had Peter planned with Aslan before the final battle?

Peter and Aslan had planned the overall strategy for the Battle of Beruna. This included positioning their forces effectively, using the terrain to their advantage, and coordinating attacks with various Narnian creatures.


 How much information had Edmund given to the Witch by the time he rejoined his siblings?

By the time he rejoined his siblings, Edmund had given the Witch crucial information about their location, their plans to meet Aslan, and other details that put his siblings in danger.


Before the Pevensies arrived, how long __________ (Narnia/be) under the White Witch's spell?

had Narnia been / How long had Narnia been under the White Witch's spell?


Before the final battle, how many Narnians __________ (the Witch/capture)?

had the Witch captured / How many Narnians had the Witch captured?


What promise had Aslan made to the White Witch by the time he was bound at the Stone Table?

Aslan had promised the White Witch that he would give his own life in exchange for Edmund’s. This promise was part of the deeper magic that allowed for Aslan's resurrection.


What alliances had the Pevensies formed with Narnian creatures by the time they sat on the thrones?

    •  By the time they sat on the thrones, the Pevensies had formed alliances with several Narnian creatures, including the centaurs, fauns, talking animals, and other magical beings. These alliances were crucial for their victory in battle.


How many lies had the Witch told Edmund before he reunited with his siblings?

The Witch had told Edmund several lies, including that she would make him a prince and that she would treat him well. She deceived him into betraying his siblings by appealing to his greed and desire for power.


Before meeting the faun, who __________ (Lucy/see) in the wardrobe?

had Lucy seen / Who had Lucy seen in the wardrobe?


By the time the children met Father Christmas, what __________ (the Witch/forbid) in Narnia?

had the Witch forbidden


How many times had Aslan met with the Pevensie children before his resurrection?

Aslan had met with the Pevensie children twice before his resurrection. The first meeting was when they were introduced to him, and the second was before he left for the Stone Table.


Who had the Pevensies defeated to win the throne before their coronation?

The Pevensies had defeated the White Witch and her army before their coronation. The defeat of the White Witch ended her reign of terror and allowed the rightful rulers to ascend to the thrones of Cair Paravel.


How many times had the Witch deceived Edmund by the time he was rescued?

The Witch had deceived Edmund multiple times, initially with promises of power and sweets, and later by threatening and mistreating him, showing her true nature.


Before discovering Narnia, how many times __________ (Lucy/visit) the wardrobe?

had Lucy visited / How many times had Lucy visited the wardrobe?


Before being betrayed by Edmund, how many times __________ (the Witch/meet) him?

had the Witch met


What plans had Aslan discussed with Peter for the battle before he sacrificed himself?

Aslan had discussed the strategies for the upcoming battle against the White Witch's forces with Peter. He prepared Peter to lead the Narnians in battle in his absence, giving him the confidence and tactics needed for victory.


How many creatures had the children rescued from the White Witch's spell by the time she was defeated?

By the time the White Witch was defeated, the children had rescued numerous creatures that had been turned to stone by the Witch. This included many of the statues in her courtyard that Aslan revived after the battle.


What experiences had Edmund had with the Witch before fighting alongside his siblings?

Before fighting alongside his siblings, Edmund had experienced manipulation, imprisonment, and harsh treatment by the Witch. He witnessed her cruelty firsthand and realized the gravity of his betrayal, which led to his eventual redemption and bravery in battle