queer (adj.)
a trick to make something seem real that's not
hoax (n.)
attacks by fighter-planes and bombers
hoof divided or split into two
cloven hoof
Who is the author of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"?
C. S. Lewis
What is an allegory?
An allegory is a story that represents other events or ideas.
curious, or wanting to know more
inquisitive (adj.)
laughed scornfully at someone
jeered (v.)
low-growing flowering plant
Who are the four children, in order from oldest to youngest?
Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy
How many books are there in The Chronicles of Narnia series, and where does "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" fit in the series sequence?
There are seven books, and "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" is the second.
something wrapped in paper; packages
parcels (n.)
stern (adj.)
a freestanding closet for hanging clothes
vehicle drawn by animals over snow
Who is Tumnus?
Tumnus is a faun who lives in Narnia.
An apologist is one who argues in defense of an idea or belief; a Christian apologist proposes arguments in defense of Christianity.
the study of places on a map
geography (n.)
lands rules by someone
dominions (n.)
a creature with a man's body and goat's legs and horns
covered with gold
What does Tumnus confess to Lucy?
He confesses that he is a kidnapper for the White Witch.
Why were the children sent to the Professor's home in the country?
During World War II, London was heavily bombed. The children were sent to live with families in the country where it was less dangerous.
metal pot for boiling water or cooking
kettle (n.)
put under a spell
enchanted (adj.)
sad, depressed
showing impatience; eager
champing their bits
Why is Lucy miserable for several days following her adventure?
Her siblings think she is telling a silly lie.
What does Lucy discover as she first travels through the wardrobe?
She discovers two rows of fur coats, and as she continues, she finds herself in the middle of a snow-covered wood.
not guilty of a crime
innocent (adj.)
red in the face; rose-cheeked
flushed (adj.)
merrymaking; festivity
loose, sleeveless cloak
What does the Queen promise Edmund if he does what she asks him?
She promises to make him a Prince.
What memento does Lucy leave with Tumnus?
Lucy gives Tumnus a handkerchief.
common, everyday kind
ordinary (adj.)
jellylike cubes of candy covered in sugar
Turkish Delight (n.)
small cloth used for wiping nose or face
royal servant
Describe the Queen of Narnia.
What is unexpected about the time frame of Lucy's excursion in the wardrobe?
Although Lucy has spent hours in Narnia, the others act as though Lucy has only been out of their sight for a moment.