the Bible is ______
The Word of God
Reading the Bible helps me to know the Attributes of God ... Name one
Love, Merciful, Omnipotent (all powerful), Omniscent (all knowing), Gentle, Unchangeable, ....
God created the world and mankind because _____
“You, as lover of Mankind, have created me, as man.You had no need of my servitude, but rather I had need of your Lordship."
Out of the abundance of His love!
Be Watchful like the ____
5 Wise Virgins in the Parable of the 10 Virgins
God inscribed a Written Law on 2 stone tablets in the OT called
The 10 Commandments
the Bible helps us by ______
(give one)
-being our light
-being our law
-being our route to God
-being our comfort
>300 Prophecies about Jesus were written in the OT, One of them was about:
Birth (Mic5:2), Mt2:1-6
Incarnation (Is9:6), Jn1:14
Virginal Birth (Is7:14), Mt1:8-23
Sold for Silver (Zec11:12); Mt 26:14
False Testimonies: (Ps35:11); Mt26:59
Vinegar,Gall: (Ps61:21);Mk27:34
Giving up His Spirit: (Ps31:5); Lk23:46
Darkness during Crucifixion: (Amos 8:9); Mt 27:45
Resurrection: (Ps16:10;22:22): Mt28, 1Cor15
Ascension: (Ps4:7;Ps68:18); Lk 24:51;Acts1:9
My response to God’s love in creating me is ____
We are created to love God, but how can I love someone whom I do not know?
- Therefore, I must strive to know Him first.
Be a Helping Hand like ____
The Good Samaritan (parable)
The Constitution of Christianity is in ______
Matthew 5, 6, 7
There were __ writers of the Bible BUT the author of the entire Bible is _____
about 40 writers
Holy Spirit
There are __ books in the OT, there are _ books in the NT; Altogether, there are __ books in the Bible.
46 OT books
27 NT books
73 books
Evidence for the existence of God:
A design, has purpose and was designed(made) with that design in mind including all living and nonliving beings and the entire universe, this is called
The Design Argument
Be Humble like the ....
Fertile ground
The Beatitudes (Mt5) starts with Blessed are poor in Spirit, which means ....
We realize we are poor without God, anything good in us is only because and from Him
The Holy Spirit _____ the writers to know what to write so there are no errors.
The 43 books of the Old Testament is divided into:
5-12-5-5-12, (+7)
5 Pentauch (Moses)
12 History books
5 Poetry
5 Major Prophets
5 Minor Prophets
(+7 Deuterocanonical)
Evidence for the existence of God:
The scientific law (Biogenesis) that life comes from life proves God, the argument is called _
The Life Argument
An important virtue to have in general and especially with the quantity and quality of Social Media
Be In Control:
-how much time do you spend
-what do you look at, listen to, post
Blessed are those who mourn _________
for they shall be comforted.
We become a living Bible when we ____
Witness to others by our lives and words
I know that the Bible is true bc _
(Name at least one of many reasons)
1. Uniqueness
2. Textual evidence (Manuscripts)
3.Church fathers,
4. Internal and
5. External Validity
6. Fulfilled Prophecies
Because anything that has a beginning has a cause and the Universe has a beginning, this proves God exists, this is called ____
The Cosmological (Cause & Effect) Argument
Daniel the Prophet shows us to Be ....
Courageous even if persecuted
Blessed are the ____, for they shall inherit the earth.