Eighteenth-Century Great Britain
The Congress of Vienna sought to redress territorial dislocations brought about by which military/political figure?
Napoleon I
The 1830 and 1848 Revolutions began in which country
Otto von Bismarck
This political party enjoyed majorities in the Austrian Parliament for much of the late nineteenth century.
The Austrian Liberal (Constitutional) Party; or the Austrian liberals
Name two economic or political advantages that early industrializers enjoyed.
Access to crucial natural resources, including iron and coal; political stability; navigable waterways; a strong agricultural base; culture of innovation
Conservative Austrian foreign minister who was willing to intervene in other European states to preserve the conservative political order.
Prince Klemens von Metternich
Name one contributor to the outbreak of revolution across Europe in 1848.
Dissatisfaction with the poor governance of conservative monarchs; economic decline
Name two countries Prussia went to war with to coalesce a united German Empire.
Antisemitic mayor of Vienna from 1897-1910
Which economic system is based on the principles of private ownership and free markets?
This political philosopher's ideas supported nineteenth-century conservatism.
Edmund Burke
The French Revolution of 1830 resulted in the abdication of which Bourbon monarch?
Charles X
True/False: Bismarck was a political liberal.
An Austrian politician who was a proponent of pan-Germanism
Georg Ritter von Schönerer
Name three industries that drove the Second Industrial Revolution.
Chemical, electrotechnical industries, steel
The conservative figures at the Congress of Vienna were most concerned with
Maintenance of traditional social structures and values; restoration of pre-1789 Europe
True/False: Nationalism was a primary driver of the 1848 Revolution in France.
In which historically significant building was the new German Empire proclaimed?
Versailles (Hall of Mirrors)
Which event threatened liberal dominance in late nineteenth-century Austria?
The Economic Crash of 1873
Why did Western & Central Europe urbanize faster than Eastern Europe?
Which geopolitical event destroyed the fragile political order struck at the Congress of Vienna once and for all.
The Unification of Germany
The 1830 and 1848 Revolutions were driven by a fragile alliance between which nineteenth-century political ideologies.
Liberalism, nationalism
Name Bismarck's political outlook.
Name one result of the Dreyfus Affair for French politics.
The deepening of political divisions