Lessons from Stories
True or False
Memory Verses

What shape is the church built in and why and what is curved inside the Alter called?

The shape is a circle because it shows us that God has no beginning or end and the curved wall is called "The Bosom of The Father".


Summary from the first story-"The Lord Our God" 

We learned about the qualities only God has and the ones we share with him, how God manages/controls the world-through the ecosystem, the human body, and order of nature, that he is not limited and the only creator.


Explain why we can't create things like a carpenter.

God is the only creator; God is the one who created the material, created the human mind, gave life to all living things. 


True or False: God has many attributes that are only unique to him, but we share some similar attributes (If so what are his and what are the ones we share)

True-We share wisdom, strength, knowledge, love, tolerance, Mercy, giving, and beauty. God the almighty(Pantocrator), the immeasurable, the Creator, the unchangeable. 


What verse proves to us that God doesn't want us to return evil for evil?

"not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing" (1 Peter 3:9)


Who did the King and the servant represent in the parable from the second story and who told us this parable?

Jesus is the King and we are the servant and Jesus told the parable.


Summary of the second story; "The Light to Our Path" (Tell me the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant)

Talks about how we should respond in a fight, showing us by the parable where the servant owned the King 10 thousand talents and the King let him go even though he was going to sell his family and him but forgave his debt than the servant's friend owned him only 100 debarii and he wanted him in jail when the King found out he put him in jail. (this teaches us if we forgive those on Earth God forgives us in Heaven)


1) How many steps and what are they when it comes to handling a fight correctly?

2)How many steps and what are they when it comes to reconciliation?

1) There's 4 steps; stop directs insults, stop the arguments, stop the gossip, and stop ignoring our feelings 

2) There's 5 steps; talk with your friend about your feelings, listen and understand, explain. what made you upset, forgive and reconcile, and confess to God in front of abouna  


True or False: Reconciliation and Forgiveness are the same thing? (Explain)

False-Forgiveness is when one lets go of that anger and you forgive that person reconciliation is two sided where both restore/fix your relationship.


What verse did King Darius tell Daniel before sending him to the lions' den?

Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you" (Daniel 6:16)


What are the two times St.Samuel had to defend his faith?

1)When he ripped the letter from the government representatives which is to change our beliefs and faith

2)The barbarians when they wanted him to worship the sun


Summary of the third story; "The Lord is the Mystery of Our Salvation" (Story of Saint Abba Samuel the Confessor)

Saint Abba Samuel's story teaches us to always follow Gods footsteps/way even during hard times cause it would always needs us to the right path. 


Why don't we believe in the Tome of Leo like the Romans?

Because it states that the Lord had two separate natures after being united, but we believe that there's one nature of God-the incarnate Word.


True or False; Jesus' humanity and divinity are separated? (explain)

False-When he performed the miracles it was with the power of his divinity and when he ate, slept, and felt pain it was with his humanity (he was like us in everything except sin)


1) St.Samuel fulfilled which verse?

2)What verse proves to us that St.Mary gave birth to the Son of God?

1) "Uphold my steps in your paths, that my footsteps will not slip" (Psalm 17:5)

2)"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God:" (Luke 1:35)


What are two times Nicodemus showed love for Christ?

1)When Jesus was being crucified he didn't agree 

2)When he took care of his body after he died


Summary of the fourth story;"The Lord is a Fortress to Our Life"(Nicodemus's story)

We learned that water makes new life through the story of Nicodemus who was a Pharisee and he was impressed by Jesus and had many questions and Jesus told him that in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven he must be born again(baptized). We also learned about baptism and how our sins are forgiven by it and we become members of the church and that during baptism abouna anoints us with 36 crosses we wear white and red to show purity and received salvation and girls wait 80 days while boys wait 40 to get baptized.


What does it mean to be born again and what sacrament is Baptism?

It means to get the sacrament of baptism and Baptism is the sacrament of sacraments (its the first sacrament)


True or False we can only get baptized once?(Why)

Because Jesus only rose from the dead once and because we are only born once from our moms


1)What verse did Jesus tell Nicodemus when asked him about being born again?

2)What verse did Jesus tell us about Baptism after His Resurrection?

1)"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God"(John 3:5)

2)"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit"(Matthew 28:19)


Who did King Nebuchanezzar take captive/from where, what qualities did he want his captives to have and languages to learn? 

Many captives from Jerusalem including Daniel and his 3 friends they needed to bed Good looking, smart, quick to understand and to learn Chaldeans


Summary of the fifth story;:"Peace in our Distress"(Daniel the Prophet's story)

Daniels story teaches us to not be afraid and confident in God. As he went through alot with all three Kings


What were the 4 times God saved Daniel?

When the king wanted Daniel to eat their food and he refused, when he was saved from the lion's den, when he told the king his dream, and when he proved that the statue Baal doesn't eat.


True or False: King Kebuchadnezzar believed in God after Daniel was saved?(what was the story)

False it was King Darius and it was the story when some pf the ministers tried to get rid of Daniel where they told the told the King to enforced a law where whoever worships any God or any other human besides the King they'll be thrown into the lion's dean and God saved him.


1)What verse shows us that God is infinite in his attributes?

2)What verse proves to us that God is everlasting in time?

3)What versed proves to us that God is the one who created everything?

1) "Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite" (Psalm 147:5)

2)From everlasting to everlasting you are God(Psalm 90:2)

3)For thus says the Lord, Who Created the heavens, who is God, who formed the earth and made it''(Isaiah 45:18)