What did the loyalists support?
The British cause
Who are the patriots?
They were people who wanted to break free from the British cause
What jobs did the discriminated Loyalists take?
Labourers or servants
True or false? The British still wanted to keep the peace between all groups.
On the first slide of the Talk-With-Ted, which side was the compass located?
Where did tens of thousands of loyalists move to?
British North America
What did the British think of the patriots?
How many of the Discriminated Loyalists actually got land and tools?
one third
What were used more, Verbal or Written treaties? and What would happen?
verbal ones were given and often broken.
how many goop drops did the tar have?
Of what descent were the Loyalists? name all of them (Hint, there are 4 answers)
African, English, Irish, or Scottish descent
Give both reasons that the Patriots became the Patriots in the first place.
Many were tired of paying taxes to a faraway British King and getting little in return.
In what year did the large group of black loyalists get the last compensation?
True or False? All land rights were given back to the First Nations
What Colour shirt was Daryll wearing?
We'll say in class!
What did the 13 colonies become in 1775?
Name the punishment that the patriots did to the loyalists.
patriots would take a loyalist, strip them until they were either fully naked or up to the waist and then dump a bucket of boiling hot tar on them, followed by feathers
True or false? The land the discriminated loyalist were given was equal to the land the others got.
True or False? The First Nations were forced to join sides with either the British or French
What was our tagline?
Where we came from, and where we're going
The boost of population led to the creation of what? (2 answers)
Upper Canada and New Brunswick
What would the Loyalists do back to the patriots as a prank?
In what 2 places did the Discriminated Loyalist settle in?
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Why did the First Nations feel overwhelmed?
Due to the growing loyalist population
What was the name of the file? For an extra 200 points, how many times was Shrek seen in our presentation?
The Better Robinson Treaty and 0!